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Cost of food: Here’s where to find a community fridge or pantry in Ottawa [Video]

The rising cost of food has hit many hard, but for those already on a strict budget, there’s a community fridge and pantry to turn to.

Just in front of the Parkdale Food Centre is a colourful box, which at first glance looks almost like a shed. Open the doors, and you’ll find a fridge and pantry.

“Basically, we run it by the rule of ‘take what you need, leave what you can,’” says Megan Aubin, Ottawa Community Food Partnership Coordinator. “It’s not policed, so anyone can access it. It’s open 24/7 and it’s free food, essentially. That’s the main thing with it.”

Aubin says there are regular users and it empties quickly.

“We fill it three to four times a day, and pretty much as soon as it’s filled, it’s emptied. People do donate to it once in a while, but primarily we are filling it up ourselves,” she …

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