Grant Writing for Non-Profits

2022 Heroes of Everyday Life® [Video]

2022 Heroes of Everyday Life®

Hunger is an issue too big for one person, team, or organization to solve alone. Sodexo is committed to making a significant impact in the fight against hunger through our hunger-fighting team of volunteers, including many employees who help lead the charge.

The Heroes of Everyday Life® program honors Sodexo employees who aim to put service before themselves – going above and beyond, giving their time, energy, and ideas to help feed some of the 40+ million people who are without food in the U.S.

Collectively they raise awareness, raise funds, coordinate food drives, volunteer in food pantries, support food recovery programs, and teach nutrition education and healthy cooking skills. Selected Heroes of Everyday Life® receive a $5,000 grant for the hunger-related charity of their choice.

Sodexo and Stop Hunger appreciate the efforts of all our employee volunteers – they are truly heroes among us!

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