How to Raise Funds for Non-profit

5 Strategies to Beat Seasonal Burnout | The Nonprofit Podcast [Video]

Do you feel that your team may be heading for burnout? The last three months of the year are a little frenzied, and a lot stressful, for most nonprofit organizations. This intense fundraising period requires the most energy, intention, and action from your team! So if you’re all feeling a little fried as the festive season sets in, @jenalynch4498 has 5 practical actions you can implement immediately to support your team through the last few weeks of your year-end push, without pushing them over the edge! 🥊🥊 So, stay tuned to this Nonprofit Podcast till the end…! Burnout has been a hot topic for the past few years in the nonprofit industry, with many workers and volunteers reporting they feel ‘used up’ despite the gratification of their work. Burnout impacts physical, emotional, and mental well-being following extended periods of stress, and if that doesn’t describe Giving Season, nothing does! 🚫🚫 …

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