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Airline KLM’s Hologram Booth Lets You Share Travel Tips With People Waiting at Other Airports [Video]

Time spent waiting in the airport is largely time wasted. Sure, you can check your phone, hit the Cinnabon and (Wi-Fi gods willing) get some work done, but largely you’re just running down the clock until your next flight.

Dutch airline KLM and agency DDB Unlimited came up with a far more interesting way to use your time in the terminal, though.

“Take-off Tips” is an interactive booth that lets travelers connect via hologram with someone at another airport who is leaving the country where you’re headed. The goal is to exchange advice on anything from cultural norms to sightseeing destinations:

“Many travelers get bored at the airport as they wait for their flight. With ‘Take-off Tips’, we want to give them a more useful and memorable way to pass the time,” says Ed van Bennekom, creative director at DDB Unlimited. “This new KLM initiative is a good example of …

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