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Attention all artists! Pet Project Midwest is asking for your help to keep pets and their families together [Video]

Painters for Pets is The Pet Project’s biggest fundraiser of the year! You can attend the art auction on March 28th at Mainframe Studios.

The Pet Project Midwest is a local organization with one mission: to keep pets and their families together. They provide a number of services with this goal in mind, including the Paws for Life and Pet Pantry programs.

But one service in particular has a special place in the heart of Maria Torres, one of the board members for The Pet Project Midwest. 

“I started volunteering for the organization because Meals on Wheels recipients would give their food to their pets,” explained Torres.

Now, through the Animeal program in partnership with Meals on Wheels, she’s helping making sure everyone in the household has a full belly.

The Pet Project Midwest runs Iowa Pet Alert as well, a database where users can upload their pet’s information in case they get lost.

100% volunteer run, The Pet Project Midwest relies …

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