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Austin residents participate in 32nd annual Turkey Trot [Video]

Regardless of sunshine or pouring rain, every single year the run takes place in Downtown Austin for residents and visitors alike to participate.

Austin’s Thanksgiving tradition is expecting 16,000 families and friends to walk or run in the event. Regardless of sunshine or pouring rain, every single year the run takes place in Downtown Austin for residents and visitors alike to participate.

Fans and families come in creative costumes, collect the t-shirts over the years and even have competitive fundraising. Over the last three decades since its inaugural race, the Trot has slowly grown out of its original spaces.

According to organizers, the event originally began with a few hundred people in Zilker Park, which then expanded to Austin High School for a few years. After outgrowing the school, they expanded again to Waterloo Park and had to relocate after even more community members joined in. 

Now, in their 32nd …

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