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Burlington City Council unanimously approves next steps of CityPlace’s development [Video]

At Monday’s Burlington City Council meeting, councilors unanimously voted to approve a new plan for the CityPlace project.While it was approved unanimously, several city councilors, such as Ali Dieng, Melo Grant, and Zoraya Hightower, expressed their frustrations to project leaders by saying they felt there had been a lack of transparency throughout the process.They also feel project leaders have not engaged with the community enough before forming their proposal.However, they all ultimately voted to approve it because they said they understood the difficulties of getting a construction project like this off the ground.They also say anything is better than just the pit being there.This new development agreement includes a minimum of 350 residential units.Seventy of which would be guaranteed to be affordable housing.There’s also a maximum of 350 hotel rooms.The city is now working with Giri Group on the project, after their former partner Champlain Housing Trust has shifted their …

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