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Can You Love Jesus But Not the Church? (David deSilva) [Video]

Can You Love Jesus But Not the Church? (David deSilva)

Get deSilva’s book One Another: The New Testament Prescription for Transformation here:

Perfect for:
+ Group leader training
+ Group studies
+ Sunday school classes
+ Discipleship bands

In these pages you’ll:
+ Gain an appreciation for how we thrive in community
+ Wrestle with our command to receive from and contribute to others’ faith
+ Understand the biblical teaching on God’s people, the body of Christ
+ Be challenged to abandon individualistic versions of the Christian faith

If the writers of the New Testament are to be believed, your faith is not a private matter between you and God. It is the business of the family God has given you in the church and the faith and practice of your fellow believers is very much your business as well. God did not ransom souls; he redeemed a people for himself who would commit themselves to living together in ways that reflected God’s gracious welcome of each one of them, God’s love and forgiveness towards all of them, and God’s passion to see the image of his Son formed in each one of them and all of them together.

In this book, David deSilva guides us through the images of the church that remind us that we are “in this together”—a family, a temple made of living stones, a single organism called “the body of Christ.” Each image reinforces our connections with and our obligations to one another, if the “new person” that the Spirit seeks to bring to life within each one of us is to flourish and reach maturity. He explores the apostolic vision for our interaction with one another, challenging us to be – and to receive – the gifts that Christ intends for us to be for one another, welcoming, loving, serving, encouraging, watching over, and restoring one another so that each individual disciple feels the strength, support, and guardianship of the whole body impelling him or her on to the full stature of Christ.

David deSilva (PhD) is ordained in the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and serves as Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Greek at Ashland Theological Seminary. He has written more than twenty-five books, including A Week in the Life of Ephesus (InterVarsity, 2020), Transformation: The Heart of Paul’s Gospel (Lexham, 2014), Unholy Allegiances: Heeding Revelation’s Warning (Hendrickson, 2013), An Introduction to the New Testament (InterVarsity, 2004; rev. ed. 2018), and Honor, Patronage, Kinship and Purity: Unlocking New Testament Culture (InterVarsity, 2000). He has also written commentaries on Galatians, Hebrews, and Jude.

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