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Community members protest new storm surge protection in Collier County [Video]

COLLIER COUNTY, Fla.– The United States Army Corps of Engineers is discussing its plan to use three billion dollars of federal money to improve storm surge protection in Collier County. 

The Collier County Coastal Storm Management Feasibility Study, which showcases a number of structural changes that could slow down and prevent large-scale storm surge, includes multiple locks and floodwalls along the coast. 

“What we are trying to do now is sort of start from scratch. Sort of a round two in Collier County. We are really trying to figure out solutions that are maybe a little more of a hybrid approach. More softer, more aesthetically pleasing,” said Rachel Rhode with the Environmental Defense Fund, a nonprofit focused on providing holistic and nature-based solutions to the problem of flooding. 

The Environmental Defense Fund, the group …

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