Places To Donate

Expert advice to make impactful donations this year [Video]

(InvestigateTV) — Americans donated almost $500 billion to charities in 2022, according to the National Philanthropic Trust.

Cherry Dale with the Virginia Credit Union said the beginning of the year is a great time to start planning for charitable contributions.

Dale said the more donators can plan out their charitable giving, the more impact it will make.

“Oftentimes, we do it impulsively or we see a commercial or we see something that really strikes us, and that’s okay to give,” Dale said. “But if you start at the beginning of the year or mid-year and map out how much you can actually give each month, to a targeted charity that is really important to you. And then that monthly giving can really add up for that charity.”

She said a good rule of thumb is about 10% percent of net income, but if that’s too much, even $20 dollars a month can make a big impact for a local charity.

Dale also suggested that …

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