Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Grant helps fund landscaping at Lincoln Berean Church [Video]

Valerie Lewis helps plant a sugar maple at the Lincoln Berean Church with help from a skid loader. The garden is dedicated to Valerie and her deceased brother, Andrew Lewis. Their mother, Julie Flodman, submitted the mini-grant application that is helping fund the project.

The mini-grant also made possible this water retention cell landscaping into a garden.

Volunteers planted five trees Sept. 28 on the southwest side of Lincoln Berean Church, 6400 S. 70th St.

The church acquired the trees — which include a redbud tree, two quaking aspens and two sugar maples — through a mini-grant provided by the Nebraska Forest Service and Nebraska Statewide Arboretum. The grants aids the church’s project to create a garden of remembrance and relaxation, including a walking path and water retention cell landscaping into a garden.

“Anyone can enjoy the garden, the trees, the wildlife and solidarity, by either walking or relaxing,” said …

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