Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Grants available for small businesses and nonprofits, impacted by the storm [Video]

Starting today, small businesses and nonprofits impacted by the storm can apply for emergency response grants.

ABC 10 News Anchor Aaron Dickens visited at Pet Store in Point Loma, to find out if they qualify.

The owner of Pet Kingdom says luckily no fish died in the flood, but there is still a lot of cleanup. The owner says he is going to have to spend tens of thousands of dollars.

“The biggest issue now with any flood damage is the aftermath of mold and bacteria,” said Matthew Thomas, owner of Pet Kingdom.

Bacteria left behind from the water that filled his store and the shopping center three weeks ago.

As Thomas inspects his walls and floors, he says any money from the city would help.

“That would help pay back for all the vacs, chemicals and everything I had to buy out of pocket,” he added.

But according to …

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