Grant Writing for Non-Profits

$hit or get off the pot 🍯 I will unsubscribe you! [Video]

$hit or get off the pot 🍯 I will unsubscribe you!

Have you been lurking? 👀 I see you. You’ve done your homework, binged our spotlights and reviews, but you’re still on the fence thinking this won’t work for you. Sound familiar? Let’s get into the three questions you should be asking yourself if you’ve been lurking on the Collective!

Ready to turn all your DIY learning from the outside into real action? Get your booty in the Collective by clicking here:

My lurkers out there, you can likely relate to “Lucy’s” story.

At first glance, Lucy was doing the right thing. She found a local mentor to apprentice under and was advised to volunteer to gain experience.

The mentor told Lucy we were off our rockers promising you can get paid to find grants without prior experience. 🤦‍♀️

​Just as I warn against,​ the volunteer gig was going nowhere. 18 months had passed and Lucy had only grown frustrated, without new experience and certainly no earnings.

Fast forward, Lucy shows up to a group Q&A call in September, and it was déjà vu! Yep, Lucy had come to one of our group Q&A calls a YEAR AGO!

Lucy had done her homework. 📚 She knew the ins and outs of the Global Grant Writers ​Collective​. Triple checked the reviews. Binged YouTube content. Showed up to live events.

And yet was still on the fence. 🤺

At that moment, I realized the issue…

There was no other proof I could hand over that would change her beliefs that our method would work for her, because she had not yet addressed the limiting belief in herself that she could do it.

We all have limiting beliefs. Yours truly included. 😉 That’s why you are supported on mindset upgrades throughout your time in the Collective, but I can’t help you from the outside.

⚠️ If YOU ARE lurking, I want you to do three things 👉 TODAY to decide if you’re all in or all out!


Write down your limiting beliefs of why you think this won’t work for you. Straight up paper and pen your beliefs.

❌I don’t know what I’m doing.
❌ I can’t make $$$ doing this.
❌ I won’t find any clients. etc.)

Then, write down an incrementally better belief for each.

✅ I can learn new skills.
✅ I have done hard things before.
✅ With a roadmap, I can make money doing mission-driven work.


Ask yourself, who am I taking advice from? Only consider taking advice from people who are where you want to go! Seriously, the peanut gallery is opinionated. Find yourself a mentor that can actionable show you how to build a life you love because they’ve done it themselves.


Calculate the cost of inaction.

Lucy above, joined the Collective. In her first month, she made 💸 $3k. Yup. Multiple that by the 18 months she spent lurking and you have only a fraction of her cost of inaction. ⚡ You can’t afford to know what you don’t know.


It’s time. Come out of the shadows, my friend. Let’s get this show on the road!

Building a life you love takes action, not tire kicking.

So are you all in or all out?

For you magical unicorns all in, here’s the link to join the Collective:

00:00 Intro
00:27 Lurkers among us
01:13 Meet Lucy who after 18 months of old school grant mentorship made no progress
01:47 Doing your homework vs. limiting beliefs
02:17 Why you believe this won’t work for you
02:49 Take advice from those who are where you want to go
03:24 Calculate the cost of inaction
03:58 Our juicy guarantee for joining the program
05:15 Get your booty in the Collective

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