Grant Writing for Non-Profits

How To Structure A Compelling Letter Of Inquiry (LOI) To Be Invited To Submit A Full Grant Proposal [Video]

How To Structure A Compelling Letter Of Inquiry (LOI) To Be Invited To Submit A Full Grant Proposal

Have you ever found the perfect grant for your organization and as you’re reading through some of the initial guidelines you come across, “Letter of Inquiry required” or “We do not accept unsolicited requests”?

What does that mean? Basically, you must be invited to apply – you’re not on the guest list! 😱

So, how do you write a Letter of Inquiry? We’ve got you covered! 👍

Here is a free training on how to build a career in grant writing:

📢 If there are instructions from the funder on how to structure a Letter of Inquiry (LOI), follow them. If not, you can follow the structure outlined below.

📢 Remember: LOIs must be compelling and well-written so that grant funders can make an educated decision about how a potential partnership could work with your organization.

1️⃣ Impact Story
This will be an immediate attention grabber that highlights the transformational work of your organization.

2️⃣ Mission and Brief History of Organization
Here’s where you can share an overview about your organization’s mission or its tangible transformation sentence. This section needs to be direct and declarative.

3️⃣ The Need
Here’s where you want to tell the grant funder about the problem and why it matters. Use data and statistics to support your request. 📈

4️⃣ The Cost of Inaction
What happens if the program or project goes unfunded? How would it affect the individuals you serve? The community? The future? Use emotion.

5️⃣ Your Program or Project
Describe the primary goal of your program or project along with measurable objectives. You can also introduce a budget snapshot with the amount of money you’re requesting and how it will be used. 💲

6️⃣ Summary
End your letter by restating your goals and the problem your organization is solving. Call attention to the alignment of their funding priorities to your program or project. Last, ask for an invitation to apply and invite the funder to contact you should they need further information.

➡️ FYI: LOIs can be difficult to prepare. They’re often more challenging than the actual grant proposal. Don’t underestimate the importance of or the work required for an LOI. ⚒️

Like reading? Check out Meredith’s 2nd edition of How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn.

Still have questions about the Global Grant Writers Collective? Check out this elaborate FAQ page:

Or, email

🧡 The Team at Learn Grant Writing
00:00 Intro
01:08 Follow The Funder’s Instructions For LOI’s
01:38 An LOI Must Be Well Written
02:00 Impact Story
02:42 Mission And Brief History Of Organization
03:26 The Need
04:03 The Cost Of Inaction
05:06 Your Program Or Project
06:02 Summary
06:45 Recap
07:50 Don’t Underestimate The Importance Of Or The Work Required For A LOI

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