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Life-threatening asthma attacks linked to the cost of living crisis [Video]

A lung charity warns that ‘with winter already the deadliest season for people with lung conditions, there could be a tidal wave of hospital admissions’ amid the cost of living crisis.

A new study has found that around one in one people in the UK with asthma, and a range of other lung conditions, have reported experiencing life-threatening asthma attacks after cutting back on medicines, heating and food as a result of rising costs.

They claim to have suffered from severe attacks after being forced to make significant changes to their healthcare – according to the research conducted by leading lung charity Asthma + Lung UK.

Asthma is a common lung condition affecting 5.4million people in the UK, so these reports highlight a massive problem.

The charity surveyed more than 3,600 people with lung conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchiectasis and found that almost half of the respondents said their condition had worsened …

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