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Make a difference with your New Years resolution [Video]

How are your resolutions going?

A quick Google search for “Top New Year’s Resolutions” returns searches on health, finances, travel and living sustainably.

If you’ve already used a cheat day, skipped the gym and are left staring at the self-help books you bought a couple weeks ago, you’re not alone. But maybe it’s not that you are bad at resolutions… maybe you just need to make a different resolution — one that not only includes that self-improvement we’re looking for, but also the reward of contributing to your community through service.

The volunteers with Fairfax County Fire and Rescue invite you to join them in serving your neighbors by becoming a first responder (EMT, firefighter) or administrative support member at one of 12 volunteer stations in Fairfax County.

Volunteers serve alongside career staff who work 24/7, 365 days, responding to 911 calls for fires, car accidents, health emergencies and more. Volunteers also help with stand-by opportunities such as 5Ks, high school sports contests and community …

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