Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Orange County’s deaf community builds social connections through nonprofit group’s monthly pizza parties [Video]

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. (KABC) — The OC Deaf Equal Access Foundation, better known as OC Deaf, has been hosting get-togethers at the Shakey’s pizza parlor in Garden Grove to help build a stronger bond between deaf and hearing communities.

The predominant method of communication for this fellowship and conversation is sign language.

“This event is important because it allows people to meet each other, make new friends,” said OC DEAF member Rennie Montes.

The nonprofit group hosts these events every third Thursday of the month.

“This is a fundraising event for OC DEAF and it provides resources to the community to provide access,” said member Joey Contreras.

The other goal is to build togetherness between those who are deaf or hard of hearing and those who are not. Many of those who come regularly are high school and college students who are learning sign language.

The person interpreting for this story is one of those …

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