Fundraising Ideas for Schools

Parents, leaders from MPS rally in Madison for better public school funding [Video]

Parents and educators from around the state rallied in Madison for better funding for schools. Around 40 Milwaukee Public School parents and leaders joined them with their own message for lawmakers.

Parents and educators rally in Madison to ask for better public school funding.

“It is about education, it’s about funding. It is about talking to legislators to get them to pass legislation to help all school districts,” said Evans Stephens, who helped coordinate the parents heading to Madison.

“I have the perspective of growing up in Milwaukee Public Schools,” said Ingrid Walker Henry, a parent MPS teacher and president of the Milwaukee Teachers Education Association. “From the early 80s to now I have witnessed what underfunding has meant for students, it has meant less, less art, less music and less gym.”

Evans Stephens helped coordinate the parents heading to Madison.

Now MPS and 90 other districts in the state are asking for taxpayer help by putting a referendum …

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