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Restaurant for dogs coming soon to Grand Rapids [Video]

Tyson is proud to source products from local vendors and donate proceeds to West Michigan non-profit, Paws with a Cause.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — You’ve heard of dog-friendly restaurants for people, but have you ever heard of a people-friendly restaurant for dogs?

“This is The Beastro, fresh canine cuisine,” says Jessica Ann Tyson, The Beastro’s owner.

That’s right, canine cuisine. Tyson, who also owns The Candied Yam next door, decided it was time pets had a restaurant of their own.

“Your dog told me that it’s not happy because it hasn’t been taken out to dinner,” she says.

Tyson drew inspiration from her own dog, Skip, who lived a long 15-year life.

“He loved food,” says Tyson. “You hear a wrapper, and he’d come running. He loved, loved, loved human food.”

And she believes he’d love what The Beastro plans to offer. The meals are made right in front of …

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