How to Raise Funds for Non-profit

Salvation Army of the Black Hills helping prepare families for Christmas [Video]

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) – The Salvation Army of the Black Hills is spreading holiday joy through a variety of events aimed at helping out the area’s less fortunate families.

Winter is the time of year when families are out shopping for gifts and food to prep for holiday gatherings, and the Salvation Army is asking for the community’s help this season to make sure every family in the Black Hills has the best Christmas possible.

“Christmas is our largest single fundraising event, the Christmas campaign so it’s a huge very important thing for us. Our kettles are out, they’ll be out until the 23rd this year because the 24th is Christmas Eve. But it’s a great opportunity that fund all of our Christmas programs and many programs throughout the year as well,” said Black Hills area coordinator Major Jerry O’Neil.

Aside from from fundraising and donations the Salvation Army …

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