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Shoebox Project London short 400 boxes this holiday season [Video]

Officials with London’s Shoebox Project need last-minute help in order to reach their campaign goal of  1,200 shoeboxes this holiday season.

The project supports at risk women during the holidays, and according to Michelle Stanescu, coordinator with the Shoebox Project’s London chapter, the organization has a simple motto.

“The Shoebox Project is a national charity with a local volunteer-run chapter right here in London, Ontario,” she said. “We have a mission of creating compassionate communities through the simple act of gift giving.”

Stanescu said that when a recipient opens up a shoebox, they’ll discover necessity items such as shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and toothpaste. But also tucked away in each shoebox is a special luxury item, such as a cozy hat, mascara or a journal.

Volunteer Ben Foote said he originally joined the Shoebox Project because his mom was co-chair, but since then, he has remained with the organization due to …

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