Ready, Set, AI: New tech & fall updates to help grant writers reach success faster! [Video]

Did you know a group of unicorns is a blessing? The blessing has spoken. When we asked grant writing members how they wanted us to allocate resources this year, their #1 vote was for “Money Makin’ Interventions.” So let’s pull back the curtain on new tech, strategies, and curriculum updates this fall. Ready to build a life you love through the grant writing profession? Join the Collective here:’re here to learn. And you’re here to earn. 🔸 Make $15,000 freelancing alongside your full-time job and busy home life.🔸 Experienced? Scale to pay yourself double.🔸 Don’t want to freelance? We have a path for you too.We are obsessed with your success. Tech is only one piece of the equation to get you where you want to go faster. It takes a roadmap and we’ve updated ours.We cover: 🤖 Sneak peek at our build of new AI software🦄 Unicorn chat buddy (like a search function on steroids)🧠 3 mindset strategies (curious conversations, soul care, belief upgrades)💰 Updates on what to charge and how to contract💡 NEW Earn & Learn acceleratorHave questions about the Collective? Come have digital coffee with me here: 00:00 Intro00:30 Technology adoption curve04:15 Can AI help our members05:00 AI Copilot demo 06:30 Finding clients with AI (thinking differently about outreach)10:32 Informational interviews, Toolkit, and contracts14:45 Courtney’s story, getting up to speed with a new client (saving 5 hours)23:13 Key takeaways from AI24:15 What to charge and how to contract (cake pricing)29:05 3 keystone activities that make your goals a forgone conclusion30:20 Unicorn chat buddy (a search function to efficiently find answers to your questions)38:49 What is the Global Grant Writers Collective41:59 Are these themes keeping you on the fence?42:50 Our juicy guarantee48:00 Belief upgrades50:56 Wins from the Collective JUST today52:16 Bonuses if you join before 11/15/2355:50 Q & A

$hit or get off the pot 🍯 I will unsubscribe you! [Video]

Have you been lurking? 👀 I see you. You’ve done your homework, binged our spotlights and reviews, but you’re still on the fence thinking this won’t work for you. Sound familiar? Let’s get into the three questions you should be asking yourself if you’ve been lurking on the Collective! Ready to turn all your DIY learning from the outside into real action? Get your booty in the Collective by clicking here: 👉 lurkers out there, you can likely relate to “Lucy’s” story. At first glance, Lucy was doing the right thing. She found a local mentor to apprentice under and was advised to volunteer to gain experience. The mentor told Lucy we were off our rockers promising you can get paid to find grants without prior experience. 🤦‍♀️ ​Just as I warn against,​ the volunteer gig was going nowhere. 18 months had passed and Lucy had only grown frustrated, without new experience and certainly no earnings.Fast forward, Lucy shows up to a group Q&A call in September, and it was déjà vu! Yep, Lucy had come to one of our group Q&A calls a YEAR AGO! Lucy had done her homework. 📚 She knew the ins and outs of the Global Grant Writers ​Collective​. Triple checked the reviews. Binged YouTube content. Showed up to live events. And yet was still on the fence. 🤺At that moment, I realized the issue…There was no other proof I could hand over that would change her beliefs that our method would work for her, because she had not yet addressed the limiting belief in herself that she could do it. We all have limiting beliefs. Yours truly included. 😉 That’s why you are supported on mindset upgrades throughout your time in the Collective, but I can’t help you from the outside. ⚠️ If YOU ARE lurking, I want you to do three things 👉 TODAY to decide if you’re all in or all out! ONE…Write down your limiting beliefs of why you think this won’t work for you. Straight up paper and pen your beliefs. ❌I don’t know what I’m doing. ❌ I can’t make $$$ doing this. ❌ I won’t find any clients. etc.) Then, write down an incrementally better belief for each. ✅ I can learn new skills. ✅ I have done hard things before. ✅ With a roadmap, I can make money doing mission-driven work.TWO…Ask yourself, who am I taking advice from? Only consider taking advice from people who are where you want to go! Seriously, the peanut gallery is opinionated. Find yourself a mentor that can actionable show you how to build a life you love because they’ve done it themselves. THREE…Calculate the cost of inaction. Lucy above, joined the Collective. In her first month, she made 💸 $3k. Yup. Multiple that by the 18 months she spent lurking and you have only a fraction of her cost of inaction. ⚡ You can’t afford to know what you don’t know. NOW…It’s time. Come out of the shadows, my friend. Let’s get this show on the road! Building a life you love takes action, not tire kicking.So are you all in or all out?For you magical unicorns all in, here’s the link to join the Collective: 👉 00:00 Intro00:27 Lurkers among us01:13 Meet Lucy who after 18 months of old school grant mentorship made no progress01:47 Doing your homework vs. limiting beliefs02:17 Why you believe this won’t work for you02:49 Take advice from those who are where you want to go03:24 Calculate the cost of inaction03:58 Our juicy guarantee for joining the program05:15 Get your booty in the Collective

Whoops first recording had no audio! 🤦‍♀️ How about this? BIG NEWS! 🥁 Join me LIVE Nov 8th! [Video]

ChatGPT became mainstream in December of last year. We immediately wondered, “Can AI help our grant writers win work faster? Deliver better work? Write more winning grants?”Through lots of failed attempts 🎢 and a serendipitous encounter, we’re pleased to report – yup, we sure can!!!Grant writers, picture this: Less grind, more brainpower for research & strategy. No more burning the midnight oil! Inspired by AI’s game-changing efficiency in various fields, we leaned into curiosity.Join us for Ready, Set, AI: New Tech For Grant Writing Unicorns and level up your skills before the year’s end.Discover how our AI-Copilot:🚀 Supercharges your deliverables🌟 Crafts your funding roadmap📞 Generates contact lists for interviews📧 Whips up killer email copyBut wait, there’s more! 😉 I (Meredith) have been on a creative rollercoaster, transforming your curriculum for even faster success. Get the scoop on the autumn updates live.EVENT DETAILS:Nov 8th – 11 am PST/ 2 pm ESTGet registered here: ARE LIMITED because we have this open to members of the Collective (600+ members deep). 🌟 This is your chance to unlock the ultimate grant-winning arsenal if you join in November! 🌟🤖 6 Months FREE of our AI Co-Pilot Software!💲 Instrumentl – Best Pricing from any Partner✨ From Pen To Polished: Learn To Write Well and Say What You Mean In Grant Applications – $750 value💰 Salary Negotiation Training from Emily Liou – $400 value🧠 Victoria Song’s Mindset Workshop on 11/10 – $400 valuePlus, be part of our FIRST Earn and Learn Cohort for onboarding and accountability – 30 days to MORE success! 🚀Party starts here:

Free Nov 8th? Join me to get the full scoop on what we’ve been quietly building for you! 🤫 [Video]

ChatGPT became mainstream in December of last year. We immediately wondered, “Can AI help our grant writers win work faster? Deliver better work? Write more winning grants?”Through lots of failed attempts 🎢 and a serendipitous encounter, we’re pleased to report – yup, we sure can!!!Grant writers, picture this: Less grind, more brainpower for research & strategy. No more burning the midnight oil! Inspired by AI’s game-changing efficiency in various fields, we leaned into curiosity.Join us for Ready, Set, AI: New Tech For Grant Writing Unicorns and level up your skills before the year’s end.Discover how our AI-Copilot:🚀 Supercharges your deliverables🌟 Crafts your funding roadmap📞 Generates contact lists for interviews📧 Whips up killer email copyBut wait, there’s more! 😉 I (Meredith) have been on a creative rollercoaster, transforming your curriculum for even faster success. Get the scoop on the autumn updates live.EVENT DETAILS:Nov 8th – 11 am PST/ 2 pm ESTGet registered here: ARE LIMITED because we have this open to members of the Collective (600+ members deep). 🌟 This is your chance to unlock the ultimate grant-winning arsenal if you join in November! 🌟🤖 6 Months FREE of our AI Co-Pilot Software!💲 Instrumentl – Best Pricing from any Partner✨ From Pen To Polished: Learn To Write Well and Say What You Mean In Grant Applications – $750 value💰 Salary Negotiation Training from Emily Liou – $400 value🧠 Victoria Song’s Mindset Workshop on 11/10 – $400 valuePlus, be part of our FIRST Earn and Learn Cohort for onboarding and accountability – 30 days to MORE success! 🚀Party starts here:

How to Untether Yourself from Chaos: A Step-by-Step Guide to Structuring Your Week [Video]

🎥 It’s way too easy to find chaos in your life! Let’s get into untethering from the chaos and gaining control of your schedule. 💪 Structure your week with management days, money days, and mission days. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to productivity! 📆✨Looking for more tips & templates to organize your grant writing life? Here are free resources:’s face it, our days are filled with interruptions like emails, phone calls, and unexpected issues. It’s chaos! I was floundering in work, depleted, before I began structuring my days, weeks, and quarters grouping work flow tasks together.My method of organizing your days comes in three types: management days, money days, and mission days. By assigning each day a theme and sticking to it, you’ll regain control of your schedule and eliminate the chaos.Management Days are for your admin & operation tasks like all those meetings. Money days are for tasks that make your business money.Mission days are stepping away from the business to work on the business. So here’s how it works:Decide which days will be your management, money, and mission days. Plan it out for the next 8-12 weeks and stick to it.On management days, focus on meetings, operations, and admin work. Get all the necessary tasks done.Money days are for making money, whether it’s completing billable work or doing business development.Mission days are all about working on the bigger picture of your business. Step away from the office and engage your brain in creative ways.Remember to prioritize deep work, which is uninterrupted, focused work. Set aside a dedicated deep work day each week to really delve into a project.Be flexible with your mission day (typically Fridays) and use it for rest and recharge, or to dive into trainings and personal growth.By following this method, you’ll regain control over your schedule, increase productivity, and eliminate the chaos that’s been holding you back. So go ahead, give it a try and see the transformative impact it has on your life. You won’t believe how easy it is to bring order to the chaos!Curious how you could get into grant writing and build a career in it? Here is a free training on how to do that without volunteering or having prior experience: Intro00:46 Recap of chaos and introduction to deep work as the opposite.01:22 Introducing the concept of connected work and its importance.02:40 Explaining the three types of work days: management, money, and mission.04:29 Discussing how to schedule each type of work day throughout the week.05:27 Addressing the feasibility of implementing this method in a corporate environment.06:06 Encouragement to try out this scheduling model for the next eight to twelve weeks.06:19 Teaser for the next video on buying back time from chaos

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) – Farmer Rancher Grant Writing Workshop [Video]

Overview of SARE and grant programs by Miranda Duschack, Small Farm Specialist, Lincoln University of Missouri Cooperative Extension.Demonstration of SARE website and viewing grants. Farmer Presentation by Ryan Tenney Owner and Operator of Sankara Farms in Kansas City, MO, on awarded grants “A Citizen Science Approach to Building Multiple Johnson-Su Bioreactors to Increase Soil Health,Vegetable Nutrient Density and Urban Food Sovereignty” and “BlackEmancipatory Agriculture Asset Map and Returning Generation Black Farmer mentorship program.” #LUMO #CAEHS #LUCE