Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Nonprofit’s Questions This Week! [Video]

Host Julia Patrick and birthday celebrant Jack Alotto, CFRE, reunite for another engaging episode of the nonprofit show, tackling pressing questions from the world of nonprofits, touching on donor relations, professional development, board engagement, and organizational culture. One critical question revolves around donor relationships and social styles. A nonprofit professional from Los Angeles seeks advice on handling a donor where the “vibe” doesn’t seem quite right. Jack emphasizes the importance of recognizing different social styles and tailoring communication accordingly. He points the viewers to with webinars on social styles to enhance flexibility and create meaningful connections with donors.The conversation then shifts to the value of the Certified Fund-Raising Executive (CFRE) accreditation. Jack passionately advocates for CFRE, highlighting its role in showcasing fundraising knowledge and ethical practices. He shares compelling statistics demonstrating how CFRE enhances professional opportunities, boosts confidence, and promotes recommendation among peers. Jack also provides details into the cost and time investment required to pursue CFRE, making it accessible to those interested in furthering their fundraising careers.They move on to discuss the concept of setting up a junior or young professionals board within a nonprofit. While acknowledging the potential benefits, they caution against ageism and stress the need for clear goals and benefits for members.Finally, Judy from Portland seeks advice on convincing leadership to invest in fundraising training for the entire team. Watch and learn more!You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

North Carolina eighth-grader starts nonprofit to help others now and down the road [Video]

PINK HILL, N.C. (WNCT) An eighth-grade student in Pink Hill is helping others in his hometown by starting a nonprofit to give back. Josh Stroud started holding Thanksgiving food drives several years ago. He said he realized how much it helped other Pink Hill residents, and it has grown each year. There are so []

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Developing Courageous Leaders [Video]

In this inspirational discussion about leadership in the nonprofit sector, Anthony A. Dicks Jr., a senior leadership consultant at 180 Management Group, shares insights on developing courageous leaders. He defines courageous leadership as the ability to inspire others to aspire to do and be greater than themselves, emphasizing the importance of community, curiosity, competence, and confidence in achieving this goal. As Anthony eloquently puts it, “The number one benefit of courageous leadership is that it’s contagious.” Indeed, he emphasizes that when one sees someone else leading with courage and doing so effectively, it has the power to bring out the same quality in others within the organization. This contagion effect, where courageous leadership becomes a shared trait, can have a transformative impact on the entire organization. Anthony also touches on the challenges individuals face, such as feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome. He stresses that having diverse role models who have successfully overcome such challenges is crucial for inspiring future leaders. As he aptly states, “If I’ve seen you do it, then I know it can be done.” Recognizing and celebrating leaders from various backgrounds and experiences can help individuals, especially those from underrepresented groups, believe in their own potential. Throughout the conversation, the impact of fear in leadership is discussed, especially in the context of recent global challenges. Anthony highlights how fear has been prevalent in these times, affecting decision-making and actions. However, he counters this by underlining the significance of cultivating courageous leadership. He suggests that by promoting and celebrating courageous leaders who are willing to take risks, organizations can foster a culture where fear takes a backseat to courage and resilience. Watch and enjoy learning how courageous leadership is not a solitary endeavor but rather a quality that can spread within your nonprofit, ultimately helping it navigate challenges and inspire positive change.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

A Maine nonprofit is offering consumers a chance to grow financially [Video]

MaineStream Finance is a 20-year-old, nonprofit community development financial institution (CDFI) certified by the US Treasury, helping ALL Maine home-buyers, business owners, and consumers secure advice and financing to grow and thrive.