Places To Donate

Illinois FBI agent warns about humanitarian donation scams [Video]

David Nanz, special agent-in-charge of the Springfield Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, warns the public that criminals are soliciting fake humanitarian donations during the Israel-HAMAS conflict, a news release says. The FBI has received complaints of legitimate email addresses of Israel-based individuals being hacked or possibly spoofed to solicit donations. Charity scams []

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Testing Your Nonprofit’s Marketing Plan! [Video]

Focusing on the significance of ongoing testing and measurement in nonprofit marketing, Jill Crumbacher, the Senior VP of Marketing and Development at the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, shares how they boost fundraising and brand awareness in this Nonprofit Power Week episode! Jill begins, stating "We have to test our marketing because there are two key components to raising money. We have to have a lot of market fundraising efforts, which the marketing team supports all of those through all of their channels… But also, to fundraise, you have to have brand awareness, somebody's got to know who you are, and that is 100% a marketing function.". She continues, highlighting that revenue is just one part of the equation. She details how their organization has a marketing team and a fundraising team, totaling around 22 employees, and these two teams work closely together. One key aspect of their testing involves evaluating the effectiveness of different creative elements in marketing campaigns, such as fonts, colors, and messaging. They use surveys to measure if audiences remember their organization's name after exposure to various marketing materials. Jill also emphasizes the importance of consistency in branding across different channels and the need to adapt creative elements for different mediums, such as direct mail, email, and digital advertising. She suggests conducting tests whenever entering a new channel and retesting every 18 months to two years to stay updated with changing trends. Additionally, Jill shares examples on how nonprofits can leverage their corporate partners for research opportunities, as many of them have access to resources that can aid in testing and research efforts. You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community. #marketing #nonprofit #socialimpact

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Realities Of Founder’s Syndrome At Nonprofits [Video]

In this special Nonprofit Power Week episode, Rita Soronen, the President and CEO of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, shared insights into the organization’s origin story, founder syndrome, and the vital work they do in the field of adoption. Rita begins by emphasizing the significance of National Adoption Awareness Month and highlights the importance of focusing on foster care adoption, understanding its complexities, and encouraging communities to support children and families involved in the foster care system. One of the key takeaways from Rita’s insights is the deep connection between the foundation’s namesake, Dave Thomas, and the cause of adoption. Dave Thomas, known for founding Wendy’s, was himself adopted as an infant and experienced the challenges of growing up without a stable family environment. His commitment to giving back to the community and his personal connection to adoption led to the creation of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. In Rita’s words, “Dave Thomas . . . . it’s our namesake Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, but underneath that is the legacy of this incredible person who started the incredible Wendy’s brand.” Rita also discusses the evolution of the foundation’s mission and its shift from raising awareness to implementing evidence-based programs. She highlights the ongoing complexities in the field of child welfare, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the need for adaptable strategies and continuous growth. Rita continues, touching upon the topic of succession planning, stressing the importance of preparing for leadership transitions both internally and externally. She describes how the foundation is actively developing its leadership team to ensure a seamless transition when the time comes. In Rita’s words, “It is my job to assure sustainability of the organization because typically all of us are working in causes that aren’t going to be solved in our lifetimes.” Rita Soronen’s thoughtful insights and dedication to the cause of adoption, foster care and child welfare are inspiring and provide valuable perspectives on the challenges and opportunities faced by nonprofits in these fields.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact