Fundraising Ideas for Schools

School Social Media Managers Deserve Support! [Video]

I’m so proud of this membership community that we have built because we are supporting these storytellers. We are giving them the inspiration, the tools, the training. I mean, we’re on Zooms, we’re talking to each other, we’re sharing. And like I said that happens each week, but now with our resources, oh my goodness. Any topic you wanna know about, you wanna know about LinkedIn, you wanna learn about Instagram reels, you wanna learn tricks about Instagram stories, you wanna find out how to train your ambassadors, you wanna see how you can involve students in your storytelling process, boom, boom, boom, right in a resource guide, you can search for those things.And at a moments notice you can have a training session, a download, a blog article, a video tip. You can have all of those things right there to help you on what you need to tackle next for your school district. I can’t believe all the value that’s provided. We’ve had so many people, like I can’t… And frankly I give away a lot for free guys, you can listen to my weekly podcast, you can read my blogs, you can get some of my free downloads off of my website and I’d love to help you out there. But if you get a lot of value out of that, imagine getting a community that’s responding to you daily, weekly trainings, because guys social media changes all the time. You know, there is a budget in every school. And a lot of times that budget starts again, July 1st. And so as a school communicator you might be a little afraid to ask, “Oh my gosh, I didn’t have this in my budget. “There is this great opportunity.” You guys schools spend money on things all the time that they didn’t have planned. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve. You deserve to get the inspiration, the support, the training, that’s gonna help you do your job better, which is gonna have a dramatic impact on the reach and the stories that you can tell for your school district. Don’t be afraid to stick up for yourself and to ask for that. Because you guys schools are joining all the time. There are even school communicators that decide, hey, I’m gonna pay for this out of pocket. And they do that because they know that they’re going to be better at their job. I’ve seen school communicators get raises or move on to other positions with other bigger school districts or growing leadership roles because of some of the foundational skills that they’ve built from being a part of this membership. So you deserve this. I’m telling you, and I know it’s scary. I’ve been there before, but I can guarantee I’ve never had to give somebody their money back, but I sure would if somebody said, “Ah, this is not worth it.” Oh my gosh, this is worth it and more.MORE RESOURCES:Free Video Training: Learn the simple secrets behind social media for K12 schools! Click here: Sign up for our free e-newsletter – click here: #edtech #k12prtip #k12prchat #k12 #education