Grant Writing for Non-Profits

TeachPHL website offers guidance to prospective teachers [Video]

PHILADELPHIA (KYW Newsradio) — People considering a career as a teacher in Philadelphia now have a web site to demystify the process.

It’s another strategy to address the national teacher shortage. The newly-launched is a project of the Philadelphia Citywide Talent Coalition, run by the nonprofit Elevate 215.

The campaign is funded by a $250,000 state grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. David Saenz, Elevate 215‘s communications director, says the new teacher hub simplifies the process toward finding jobs at city district and charter schools.

“There are resources that exist specifically at the state level on how to navigate this process, but it is not necessarily user-friendly. If we help guide them along, then [] will hopefully provide the information they need in a digestible way,” Saenz told KYW Newsradio.

“In order to make sure that the pipeline can not only be filled with more talented individuals — but also diverse individuals — …

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