Fundraising Ideas for Schools

Team of Child Triathletes will Raise Funds for Foodbank this Weekend [Video]

This summer Jacob Mansbach, 11, invited a team of elementary and junior high school students from the Santa Barbara area to join him in the Santa Barbara Triathlon Sunday, Aug. 23, to raise money for the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County.

The “Join Jacob” triathlon and fundraising team plans to raise $10,000 by Sep. 30 to help provide nutrition and education to kids and families in our community through the Foodbank. Several team members will also compete in the Carpinteria Triathlon Sep. 27.

Join Jacob donations will support the work of the Foodbank, which serves over 140,575 unduplicated people of whom 40 percent are children each year, as well as send a clear message to this team of kids — that they can make an impact on the lives of others and that helping their community can be extraordinary. 

Since 2012, Jacob and his team have raised over $47,000 for the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County.

Join Jacob 2015 team sponsors include Mission Wealth Management, …

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