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The impact of bond and override elections on Arizona educations [Video]

Educators agree that the property value of a school district shouldn’t determine the quality of education, but the reality doesn’t play out like that.

ARIZONA, USA — Educators roundly agree the property value of a school district should not determine a child’s quality of education. But new numbers released to 12 News reveal how local bonds and overrides create disparities across Arizona. 

Bonds and Overrides are local, voter-approved property tax increases.  They pay for all kinds of expenses including all-day kindergarten, teacher raises, technology, major repairs, and the construction of new schools.   

A report by education consultant Anabel Aportela of the nonprofit Education Reform Finance Group puts into perspective what’s happened in Arizona over the past two decades. It shows most elections are successful each year, but many school districts consistently fall short to get bonds and overrides passed. 

Most Phoenix-area districts pass bonds and overrides 

Districts that consistently pass bonds and overrides since 2003 are mostly concentrated in Maricopa County. …

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