Resources for Nonprofit Directors

VIP Service Dog Foundation Places Pets With Purpose [Video]

It may look like a typical dog training class on a Monday night at Naperville Sportsman Club, but these pooches are practicing for a greater purpose: to be a part of VIP Service Dog Foundation, a nonprofit organization that was founded in November of 2011.

“We started small, and we have grown over the years, and we probably foster 15 to 20 service dogs a year. And of those service dogs, we place probably 60 to 75 percent of those dogs with families or individuals who need a service animal,” said VIP Service Dog Foundation Board Member Jennifer Truppa.

Breeds in Training

The group association was founded by President Donna Akers, who was looking for a way to help her disabled son, John. Little did Donna know that her idea would inspire others to come along with her. Today, there is a group of trainers who help train breeds like poodles, poodle mixes, …

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