Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Volunteers beautify Sumner High with the organization 4theVille [Video]

Efforts at Sumner are just one way 4theVille is working to make a difference in the historic Ville neighborhood.

ST. LOUIS — School doesn’t start for a couple of months, but Project 5 volunteers were getting a jump on things at Sumner High School Monday morning.

Project 5 partnered with the nonprofit 4theVille to get classrooms ready for the fall.

Efforts at Sumner are just one way 4theVille is working to make a difference in the historic Ville neighborhood.

“It is a community-based cultural organization that works to safeguard the legacy of this historic neighborhood,” 4theVille Board Chairman Aaron Williams said. “This is, in a way, an activism effort, it’s really a way to rewrite the narrative of the neighborhood and of the school.”

The nonprofit works to preserve the legacy of the historic Ville neighborhood in north St. Louis city.

One way to do so is to keep Sumner High alive.

“There were considerations of closing Sumner High School and we stepped in …

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