Family Travel, Single Travel, Couples Travel

Were a time travelling couple from 2027 – we even have video proof that we are all alone in just four years

A ‘TIME travelling’ couple who claim are in the year 2027 insist they have video proof that they have spent four years alone in the world.

TikToker Javier, who calls himself Lone Survivor and has consistently claimed to be stuck alone in the future has now found another so-called survivor, named Maria.

Javier claims he has been stuck in the future
He has shared clips of himself alone in various locations
Now it has been revealed there is another so-called survivor

The woman who claims she is a scientists has posted a series of videos on TikTok under the handle @socmia to explain.

Her bio states: “Time is an illusion. Alone in the world with unicosobreviviente.”

In one of her videos, she introduces herself: “Hello, I am Maria. I am part of the same project as Javier ( who you know as unicosobreviviente).

“I appear here because I am still processing everything I have lived and I am trying to find a solution.

“I still have a lot to understand but I have decided to …

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