Grant Writing for Non-Profits

WS/FCS principal nominated for Principal of the Year [Video]

Nine principals in North Carolina received the title. In May, one will be named as the Wells Fargo Principal of the Year.

In the Triad,  Dr. Nancy Martinez at the Career Center High School (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools) made the list.

On May 24, one principal from the nine will be named the Wells Fargo Principal of the Year.

Martinez’s accomplishments include an overhaul her school’s aviation program. She landed a partnership with the nonprofit organization Tango Flight and obtained a six-figure grant from the Golden Leaf Foundation and a state-of-the-art educational experience, according to NC DPI. 

“Our partnership with Tango Flight provides curriculum, equipment and mentorship to our CTE Aeronautics students to build a single-engine plane and obtain credentials accepted by over 35 aviation companies in the United States,” she said. “With over fifty strategic partnerships in the community, CCHS ensures students have the best, most positive experience on campus as they prepare …

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