Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Arkansas nonprofit strives to bring missing people back home [Video]

JONESBORO, Ark. (KAIT) – National Missing Persons Day brings awareness to the thousands of unsolved missing person cases across the United States.

In Arkansas, there are 358 open missing person cases. In the United States, there are 24,075 total open missing person cases.

National Missing Persons Day is celebrated every year on Feb. 3. The Morgan Nick Foundation helps the families of missing people across Arkansas and the nation with resources to get their loved ones back. The foundation was founded by Morgan Nick’s mother, Colleen Nick.

Nick started the organization after her 6-year-old daughter Morgan was kidnapped in 1995 from a baseball field in Alma, Ark.

Nick said she helps families find missing children and missing adults. She said they help people from “New York to California.”

“In the last year, the Morgan Nick Foundation helped 1,630 families who had a missing person,” Nick said.

Nick said over 1,000 of those …

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Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Is a Stroller and Car Seat Combo Worth It? [Video]

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