Nonprofit Clubs

CARE STL looking for fosters after roof starts leaking [Video]

According to a Facebook post, CARE STL said they knew the roof was damaged, but did not know how significant the damage was until it started raining again.

ST. LOUIS — The Center for Animal Rescue and Enrichment of St. Louis (CARE STL) is looking for dog fosters while the shelter’s roof is repaired.

According to a Facebook post, CARE STL said they knew the roof was damaged, but did not know how significant the damage was until it started raining again.

“Due to the ongoing rain and the shelter not being fully repaired yet, debris & dust are getting inside and making the building wet,” the post said. “Our dogs are being affected by this situation.”

CARE STL also said they are looking for tarps to help cover kennels that are being exposed to the water and debris. They said the tarps must be at least five feet by …

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