Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Civil Discourse In Divided Communities [Video]

Milan Kordestani, the author of a new book called “I’m Just Saying”, is interviewed about his fresh views on civil discourse in divided communities– with the aim of fostering understanding and meaningful conversations beyond preconceived notions. Milan explains that many conversations today result in division and frustration because people focus on proving their own points rather than building relationships or finding common ground. He believes that social media and digital communication have contributed to the challenges in effective communication and connection.The conversation touches on the importance of finding commonalities and building relationships, even in the face of disagreement. Milan shares his perspective that civil discourse has been impacted by social media and the fear of voicing dissenting opinions. He emphasizes the need for active listening and reflection as tools for productive conversations, urging people to ask “why” and understand different perspectives. The goal is to empathize with others and connect with them, rather than simply agreeing to disagree.The hosts discuss the current state of civil discourse and the challenges posed by technology and social media platforms that curate content based on users’ preferences. They also touch upon the role of advertising and marketing in civic discourse, highlighting both the positive and negative impacts.The conversation shifts to the importance of evolving and being open to learning and growth. Milan emphasizes the willingness to be wrong and change one’s opinions when presented with new information. He believes that teaching these values in schools and inspiring others through personal examples can help shift the paradigm of civil discourse.The thought provoking episode concludes with a discussion on the diminishing number of close friends and the need for tools to work through personal issues and differences. Milan recommends active listening and reflection as crucial tools for navigating conversations. Find out more in the book. . . . “I’m Just Saying”.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Relationships Change Everything | Andrew Olsen [Video]

Nonprofits have to answer so many questions these days: What’s the best way to invest in my nonprofit’s impact? How do I lead my team through today’s societal changes? How do I increase donor retention rates and hit fundraising goals and avoid burnout and stay on mission and still make a grocery run before dinnertime? 😭We’ve got a guest here who’s going to help us answer a few of these and hopefully change the way we approach relationships for the benefit of the whole changemaking sector. Andrew Olsen is Senior VP of Fundraising Solutions at Dickerson Bakker and a close friend of Funraise… and he’s going to blow your mind, listeners. 🤯For all Nonstop Nonprofit Podcast episodes:— Subscribe to Our Channel: @Funraiseplatform Funraise provides exceptional, friendly digital fundraising technology. Built with innovation and nonprofit experience, Funraise’s state-of-the-art donation management tools centralize fundraising management in one platform, making it easy to create lasting impact with nonprofit-first technology. Experience why organizations like United Nations HCR and National Wildlife Federation trust Funraise to power their fundraising. Because your cause is our cause.—-For more for your nonprofit, find us online:Website: & Inspiration: Resources:

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

New website aimed at bringing more traction to Camden city [Video] was created in partnership with the Camden Special Services District to connect businesses with residents and highlight all that downtown Camden has to offer, like their eclectic small businesses and arts community.

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

FREETHOUGHT FRIDAY 06/30 by Voice of Kansas [Video]

Donations, letters and comments are welcome. Write or call: Freedom From Religion Foundation P. O. Box 750 Madison, WI 53701 608 – 256 – 8900 Web Site: Twitter: @FFRF Contact: Click here. Won’t you join FFRF in our critical work to promote nontheism and defend the constitutional separation between religion and government? With more than 30,000 members, FFRF, a 501(c)(3) nonprophet nonprofit, works as an effective state/church watchdog and voice for freethought (atheism, agnosticism, skepticism).

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

SM and Email marketing Strategy/Christina Batipps Founder & Marketing Strategist 06/30 by The Networking Diva Hour LIVE [Video]

Did you know, 99% of people check their email every day. With a statistic like that, it’s not hard to see why email marketing is a go-to for marketing campaigns. What’s confusing, though, is that sometimes, email marketing ROI can look a little bleak. An UN-successful email campaign in a world where opening emails is such a big part of people’s lives can be confusing, and brings up an important question: Where is the gap between consumers checking their email constantly, but not clicking on your brand’s message? Email marketing as a marketing tool isn’t dead. But, some email marketing practices are, such as impersonal email address lines, violating GDPR, ignoring user experience, and not tracking metrics. My guest this week is My guest this week is Christina Batipps, Founder & Marketing Strategist IdeaBrush.Christina is an analytical marketer with creativity on the brain. She works exclusively with small and mid-sized businesses in the creative and cultural sectors, including creative retail brands, nonprofits, restaurants, and more.