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Eco Church Silver Award for St Lawrences, Lechlade Diocese of Gloucester [Video]

St Lawrence’s Church in Lechlade is celebrating after achieving a Silver Eco Church Award and is already looking at the requirements for Gold level.

Their environment work is championed in the church by a small Eco Group, who meet to review what the church could be doing to become greener.

The detailed Eco Church survey asks questions about how the worshipping community expresses care for God’s world in worship and teaching; in how churches look after buildings and land; in how they engage with the local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of the congregation. To achieve a Bronze Award, a church must score at least 25% in all categories of the survey; for Silver the requirement is 50%, and for Gold it must be 75%.

David Bainbridge, a representative from the Eco Group, said, “Over the past four years and especially this summer, people are …

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