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Kelly Ripa And Her Husband Donate To Homeless College Students [Video]

Kelly Ripa and her husband Mark Consuelos donated to the Win Scholarship Fund in New York City. Their donation will provide laptops and about $2,000 each to twenty homeless college students. During the pandemic, donations are more important than ever. With many students facing new challenges with virtual learning, homeless kids have even more disadvantages.

Often, financial aid doesn’t cover laptops, books, transportation, and other things that students need. If they don’t have the money, it could hinder their learning abilities. Mark and Kelly know the costs as they have kids in college right now.

Kelly and Mark donated thousands to help college students in need

Kelly shared, “Mark and I are so excited to help these students in whatever small way we can. Starting college is a pivotal moment for so many and being a part of this time is really special for our family. We know each of these …

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