Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Kelowna parking lot up for development courtesy of BC Builds project – Okanagan [Video]

A parcel of downtown Kelowna, B.C., land could soon be home to a new selection of rental homes courtesy of the province’s BC Builds program.

The parking lot at 1428 St. Paul Street is one of eight properties across B.C. the provincial government said would be fast-tracked for more rental home builds for middle-income residents.

“Our communities and our economy depend on middle-income people like teachers, nurses and construction workers, and they depend on being able to find a decent place to live within their budget,”  Premier David Eby said.

“By bringing together public landowners and housing developers and operators through BC Builds, we are transforming underused public land throughout the province into thousands of lower-cost, middle-income rental homes.”

Launched in February 2024, BC Builds delivers more homes middle-income earners can afford through low-interest financing, grant funding, and leveraging government-, community- and non-profit-owned and underused land.

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BC Builds is seeking proposals to connect …

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