Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Literacy nonprofit helps thousands improve reading skills [Video]

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — The power of picking up a book and enjoying the story inside is something very special for Traveling Stories.

Since the nonprofit started almost 14 years ago, they’ve helped 7,000 kids in San Diego improve their reading.

Kayla Moberly is one child working to improve her reading skills, one word at a time alongside her mentors.

“When I get stuck on a word, they help me and that really made me love reading more,” said Moberly.

The program targets low-income students to empower them to reach their dreams.

“We really believe and the research shows that if children can read by fourth grade, they are so much more likely to finish high school, to be gainfully employed, and to engage in their community. It’s like one of the biggest predictors of future success,” she said.

Emily Moberly is the founder of Traveling Stories.

She said the idea for the program sparked more than 2,200 …

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Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Is a Stroller and Car Seat Combo Worth It? [Video]

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