Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Major Marketing Mojo for Nonprofits of All Sizes [Video]

Major Marketing Mojo for Nonprofits of All Sizes

Lisa Bowman has taken both The UPS Foundation and United Way Worldwide to new heights of sustainability and brand awareness during her two decades marketing the two, utilizing her professional superpower: marketing the sweet spot where profit meets purpose.

Her deep commitment to evangelizing new technology and investing in nonprofit infrastructure goes way back; Lisa was marketing tech before “tech” was a thing, accidentally selling a million-dollar tech consultancy to UPS, then turning it into a VP position with UPS developing new markets.

Aside from laying down new and old-school marketing strategies, in this conversation, Lisa reveals how her focus on purpose has guided her, why she modernized United Way’s brand to appeal to multiple generations, how you’re competing with for-profits, and steps you can take to use your superpower for good.

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Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Is a Stroller and Car Seat Combo Worth It? [Video]

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