Nonprofit Clubs

Our channel and our work – our animal rescue [Video]

Our channel and our work – our animal rescue work – CENSORED BY YOUTUBE INDONESIA

An insight into the kitten and cat rescue work we do, from the conditions and situations in which we find these defenseless and vulnerable animals to their rehabilitation and future lives.

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Nonprofit Clubs

El Manglar Es Vida | Restoring mangroves, communities and climate benefits in Ecuador [Video]

Mangroves are the passport to our survival as a species. Communities depend on a thriving mangrove ecosystems for food and livelihoods, and a square mile of healthy mangrove forest can sequester carbon 10 times faster than the same area of mature tropical forests. But mangrove forests can also emit greenhouse gases when disturbed or degraded. In Ecuador, fishing communities and scientists work together to restore these forests and understand the climate benefits they provide to the world.