Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Poudre Schools expands mental health services for kids [Video]

As children face a mental health crisis, Poudre Schools are supporting students’ mental health needs by hiring CSU graduate students as mental health interns.

FORT COLLINS, Colo. — As a response to a mental health crisis facing youth, Poudre Schools is using federal dollars to reach more students with mental health support and resources. They hired graduate students as mental health specialist interns and placed them in schools that need the most help with kids’ mental health needs.  

At Rocky Mountain High School, students are in class and focused on their work. The lessons aren’t on math or science, instead, these lessons are focused on the students’ social-emotional learning.

“You get to decide how you want to impact people every day,” said Blake McLaughlin, a mental health specialist intern for the school. He’s a recent Colorado State University graduate working with the high school’s men’s group. 

McLaughlin said the group has helped these young men open up and support one another. 

“With that group, …

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