How Elaine’s Consulting Business Grew From Stuck to 3x Revenue + A Team + More Fam’ Time in 8 Months [Video]

Met Elaine, 🦸 supermom of three girls, who started a grant writing consulting business to find herself stuck at a ceiling of $100k in revenue. She maxed out on hours and energy 😩 after two years of hustling. She joined the Collective to find a community of like-minded consultants and develop a strategy to triple her revenue 💰 while cutting back her hours.Are you feeling stuck in your consulting business? Check out this training on how to make $100k (take-home pay) working 20 less hours a week. top of her consulting firm (Look Left Grants), Elaine is a business owner of a 👊 boxing gym with her husband and running Tasty Tops, the world’s first savory toppings hand-pounded superseeds. Did we mention she’s got a full house of three kids and two dogs? 🐕 💥Talk about a superwoman! When Elaine started her consulting business, she transitioned out of work as an administrator at a local hospital, where she was unfilled in her work day after day. Her husband sparked the idea of starting her own business doing something that she loved–grant writing. ✍️ She established Look Left Grants. She loved the freedom to make her own schedule, especially with her kiddos. In time, she found that being an entrepreneur was lonely and the solo-woman grind was unsustainable. ➡️ “I just knew I couldn’t keep going the same way as a one-woman show,” says Elaine. “There’s no glory in being the ‘do all the things’ person. It burns you out beyond belief.”Elaine sought out the Collective to join their grant writing retreat in the fall of 2022. She was looking for community 🦄 but unearthed so much more.Among other grant writers, she uncovered how members of the Collective were tackling matters of scaling their consulting business. Members were overcoming burnout and growing through systems and teams. ➡️ “I feel like just having that community and…seeing the change that they’re able to make in their clients’ lives and how they’re able to impart, really lifts me up. I’m not alone in this journey… it’s impactful for me just to get to hear the ins and outs of what everyone else is excited about and struggling with.”Elaine left the “one-woman” attitude and hired her first subcontractor in December of 2022. She built her team to three to give her growing client list a ⭐ seven-star experience. She loves working with a team. She takes pride in building a work environment her team can thrive in.Elaine’s most significant business move was upgrading her pricing structure. 💰 Challenged to list all of her “behind the scenes” services, Elaine saw that she wasn’t charging nearly enough for all her work. ⬆️ By bringing a new pricing structure to the table for her clients, she could draw boundaries around her time and create more transparency in her services. ✨ More importantly, adjusting her prices helped her hire her dream team and move projects forward to make more of an impact for her clients. Now, eight months into her journey in the Collective, Elaine has tripled her revenue. 💰 She has more time with her family & more time for other business endeavors. Curious about how to double your revenue and work fewer hours for a more fulfilling life? Check out this training just for you us a comment below or email us at!🧡 The Team at Learn Grant WritingTimestamp:0:00 Intro02:29 Getting Started & Consulting Business Challenges04:02 Loneliness As An Entrepreneur & Needing Community To Scale06:11 How to buy back your time, prioritize, and manage your time to build a dream life08:48 How hiring has helped with business challenges & cultivating a supportive environment12:14 Joys in having a team & overcoming past traumatic work environments13:52 Building a business to pass on something to the next generation, changing the world17:59 Overcoming mindset issues in entrepreneurship19:19 Rapid fire questions, getting to know Elaine22:44 A balanced dream state of business24:24 How increasing prices helped to bring about a dream lifestyle

When Did Grants Even Start? 📚 Geek Out Over The History Of Grant Writing & What The Work Entails [Video]

History shows that grants have been one big experiment in the US. Grants were first given for education (pretty neat). But how did we get to the level of grants we see today and what does a grant writer do? To answer that, let’s explore the history of grant writing. 🤓Curious about what it takes to write a grant? You can check out the 7 steps to writing a winning grant here in this video:🔸🔸🔸HISTORY BREAKDOWN 🔸🔸🔸We’re talking about US History, but you can explore the history of philanthropy all over the globe with the link below. ⬇️👉 The ancient Romans provided funding for educational and cultural projects. 👉 In the 1800s, the US federal government began to “cede land” for public schools.👉 In 1862, Congress passed the Morrill Act to give land and money to establish colleges in every state.👉 In 1887, the Hatch Act gave each state funding to establish agricultural experiment stations, marking the beginning of financial reporting.👉After WWI, grants marked the feeble beginnings of welfare programs (fighting STIs, vocational rehab, and maternal/child health). 👉 During the Great Depression, grants were for highways and by the end of the Depression, funding went for emergency employment.👉 After WWII, grant funding went to educate and train defense workers returning home and programs for housing community veterans.👉 In 1968, President Johnson launched The Great Society with many programs we still have today (medicare/medicaid, Head Start, National Endowment for Humanities).👉 In the 1980s, corporations join in philanthropy as the beginning of cause-related marketing.👉 In 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett start the Giving Pledge to give 99% of their earnings to philanthropy (240 signatures have joined the pledge). 🔸🔸🔸GRANT WRITING TODAY 🔸🔸🔸💡 Who’s eligible for grant funding?✨ Nonprofit organizations✨ Public agencies✨ Your own creative work (artists)✨ For-profit entities ✨ Colleges and Universities✨ Quasi public entities (a port district)💡 How are grants typically awarded?Each grant has a set of requirements you submit by a deadline. Then you wait (sometimes up to nine months) for the results. If awarded, you move into signing contracts, and reporting–something the organization manages or you as the grant writer are contracted to manage. 💡 What skills are required for grant writing? ✨ Project management✨ Communication ✨ Creativity✨ Critical Thinking Skills can always be acquired. Take a 3mins quiz to see if grant writing would be a good career for you: (link coming soon)💡 Do you have to go back to college for grant writing training?No way! But you should absolutely get training. You don’t have to ride the struggle bus alone. Growing your confidence in this field is gaining experience, what we teach in the Global Grant Writers Collective. You earn while you learn!💡 What are the career opportunities available?✨One, you are a grant writer in-house. You have a job writing grants for an organization. ✨Two, you start side hustling to test out and see if you like grant writing. If you do, then you scale your side hustle into path number three. ✨Three, a full-time consulting business where you quit your job. You freelance. You can work remotely, and you have a highly flexible schedule. You don’t have to have all the answers right now. You can earn to learn and decide if grant writing is for you. 💡 What’s the earning potential?✨Owners of consulting firms have an average take home salary of $100k. ✨ In-house grant writers are making up to $150k+. At minimum, with inflation, you should be looking at a salary of $75k. 🔸🔸🔸What’s next? 🔸🔸🔸Explore the 🗝️ Organic Networking Framework video which is how you land paid gigs with no prior experience then drop into our free training on how to get into the field: and links: 🔸 A side-by-side comparison of grant writing programs:🔸 🔸 🔸 🔸 Jessica Stacks🔸Jackie White 0:00 Intro1:00 History of grants in the US06:17 Who is eligible for grant funding?07:07 How are grants awarded?08:16 What skills do you need to be a grant writer?09:29 What education do you need to be a grant writer?10:41 What career opportunities are available in grant writing?11:29 What is the earning potential as a grant writer?12:41 How retired teacher Jessica made $100k freelance consulting13:53 In-house grant writer Suzanne of the YMCA won $300K in funding14:14 Jackie as an ex-Olympic athlete side hustles for schedule flexibility to travel14:44 How do you land a gig when you have no prior experience as a grant writer?

In-House Grant Writer Anastasia Oguntade Exceeds Her 1 Year Goal 💰 To Fund Six-Figures [Video]

Thrown into the role of being the in-house grant writer, Anastasia Oguntade’s organization joined a grant writing cohort. Now she’s manifesting greatness and leading a team bidding to write a $16 million dollar proposal less than a year later! If your organization is looking for additional professional development training on how to build in-house grant writing capacity check out:’s dream lifestyle can be summarized in one word – opportunities✨She joined a group grant writing training program. After an intensive six-week cohort, Anastasia says she had all the ingredients and can now create her recipe for success. She marks the completion of the cohort as one of her major accomplishments from the year. However, her success didn’t stop with her certificate. 🎉 Anastasia went on to win a $50k grant and a $120k grant for organizations she loves and supports in her community. The sky’s the limit for Anastasia as she looks ahead to applying for a federal grant alongside a coalition of others. This spotlight follows Anastasia’s journey from zero grant writing experience to winning funding. We touch on her current goals as an in-house grant writer and of course her superpower–falling asleep anywhere.💤 Resources and links:🔸 In-house grant writing training:🔸 Free grant writing class: about the Global Grant Writers Collective and how others have experienced success? Check out this page chock-full of member reviews: Or, email us at with your questions!🧡 The Team at Learn Grant WritingTimestamps00:00 Intro03:00 Leveling up to President and beyond in her consulting03:34 Rapid fire questions06:56 Joining a grant writing training cohort in 202208:29 Successful training = Gaining skills to sustain and develop a secret sauce09:49 One year accomplishments: apply skills in-house, repeat clients, story-telling through grant writing11:15 Grant writing is creating opportunities12:02 Biggest surprise! People WANT to work with a grant writer (imposter syndrome)14:04 Crushing a year goal to help fund a six-figure grant! Successfully funded a $50K grant and $125k grant14:45 Big rewards in seeing grant proposals come to life 18:10 How do you continue to stay true to your values in such a busy career?21:23 Putting self & family before work

The Perfect Work From Home Job for Moms 🧡 Become a Grant Writer! [Video]

Maybe it’s daycare expenses that have you considering staying at home, or you want to be home full time. 🏠 Awesome moms like yourself are becoming well-paid grant writers with schedule flexibility they, so they never have to return to the 9-5.Multitasking like a boss momma? 🎧 You can listen to Meredith’s book, “How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn,” for free here: time with your littles and a well-paying gig doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game! What knits our mom’s together in the Collective is that they want to or need to make money AND do it on new terms that allow family to come first. ⚡ So, how do you break into the field of grant writing when you don’t have any prior experience? We got you hot momma! You land a few paid contracts to provide a Funding Strategy for your clients. A Funding Strategy is a 12-18 month roadmap detailing grants with the highest likelihood of success. A Funding Strategy leads to grant writing. And what do you charge for these bad boys? ➡️ $2,500 – $5K (yes, even as a newbie) ➡️ $8-$15K is what we charge, so trust me when I assure you they are still getting a hella deal. From there, we will show you how to freelance to $15K. Then you can decide…1️⃣ Do you want to make a leap here and build a business (depending on a backlog of work and contracts) or2️⃣ Take a new job? You may be wondering how long it takes to gain momentum? Momentum depends on a few factors. Are you doubling up your grant writing transition along side a full time job? How old are your kiddos at home? Answering these questions helps you get a better sense of realistic momentum. 🧡 I’ve seen moms move mountains during nap time, busting out what takes others a full eight hour work day. You can get your grant writing certification in 90 days and land your first paid gig. Be gentle with yourself. You’ll find a rhythm of learning and earning that fits your ideal stay-at-home-mom lifestyle.One of our team members, Alexis, as a momma of two cutie patooties, wrote a hilarious satire about why grant writing is an excellent gig for Moms. You can read that here:⚡ Take a bit of time to listen to Imani’s story, who, as a momma, transitioned to full-time grant writing for better pay and lifestyle alignment. She’s won over $25 million in funding thus far. As you figure out what’s next, my biggest advice is to ease up on the pressure of total certainty around your next move. You’ve got enough on your plate raising kiddos to expect everything to be 💯% figured out. Instead, explore options with curiosity and an open heart. If you come in with that attitude, you’ve got nothing to lose. I’m going to show you how to make money to decide if you like grant writing. You can have an abundant life with more time for your family when you learn a methodology and pattern to follow. 🦄 Resources and links: 🔸 Free training on how to build a career in grant writing: 🔸 Unicorn Spotlight for Imani:🔸 Why Grant Writing is The Best Job For Stay-at-Home Moms: about the Global Grant Writers Collective and how others have experienced success? Check out this page chock-full of member reviews: Or, email us at with your questions! 🧡 The Team at Learn Grant WritingTimestamps:00:00 Intro01:50 What is grant writing?02:10 The skillset required to be a grant writer02:20 How do you break into this field with no experience?02:31 What is a Funding Strategy?03:25 Charging for a Funding Strategy04:20 The cycle, making $15k, setting up a business, or a new job04:53 How long does it take to gain momentum?06:10 Meet Imani, who wanted to write grants for more aligned organizations07:40 Screenshots from our community group08:40 Trying new things with an open heart & curiosity

Freelancers: Streamline Your Grant Writing Process and Raise Your Rates! [Video]

Join Marie Palacios, Lead Consultant for Funding for Good, as she reveals the secrets to successful grant writing processes and business growth. In this episode, Marie shares the incredible benefits of establishing a clear grant writing process and provides expert insights on streamlining your operations for maximum efficiency. Discover how to increase the rates you charge for your work and unlock the true value of your services.Gain valuable knowledge on understanding processes and cultivating strong business partnerships. Marie offers valuable advice on balancing a life you love with a consulting business, while emphasizing the importance of identifying your why. Learn why increasing your rates not only paves the way to earn a six-figure income, but also helps cultivate a life you love beyond the money.As a certified expert facilitator with extensive experience in the nonprofit sector, Marie Palacios combines proven methods with her passion for community engagement. Her expertise spans strategic planning facilitation, program design, board development, grant writing, and messaging.Get ready to take your grant writing skills and consulting business to new heights. Tune in now and gain the knowledge to succeed!Have you discovered a passion for being a changemaker and want to make a phenomenol income while helping the world? Becoming a freelance grant writer or GROWING your freelance grant writing business is the perfect path for you. We are here to help you do just that as we have a ton of resources for you. A great place to start is our “Grant Writers: Become a Freelancer” Playlist also have a four-part mini YouTube course for freelance grant writers in the making:1) The First Step to Becoming a Successful Freelance Grant Writer 2)How to Get Nonprofit Clients for your Grant Writing Business 3) Must Have Pricing and Packaging Strategies for Freelance Grant Writers Foundations of Freelance Grant Writing: Clarity, Clients and a Lasting Impact🔴 We do put out new content weekly so make sure to subscribe!Want even more? Or wish you had a workbook? Guess what? We have a free grant writing course AND workbook just for you over at our website, come claim yours now! ✅ Let’s connect: Instagram – @hollyrustick Facebook – /hollyrustick ✅ Valuable Resources: Get FREE Grant Writing Resources when You Join the Grant Writing Hub Haven: ✅ Take a course with me 👉💰🖥️ Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing Master Course: 🖥️🔥 👉 Grant Writer’s Guide to Freelancing: Get Paid to Write Better Grants! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Thanks for watching! I’d love to connect with you! Holly Rustick Expert Grant Writer & Bestselling Author of The Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing ✨💌 Visit

Virtual-Based Business 💻 An OG Grant Writer & Side-By-Side Programs To Grow Your Consultancy [Video]

Holly Rustick, the founder of Grant Writing & Funding, rings in her wins 🔔 on the Unicorn Living Podcast. From her early nonprofit work in Indonesia to life as a business owner, writer, and mother in Guam, Holly shares two decades of learning in the nonprofit sector. Now, she draws from that wealth of experience to help others build their grant writing consultancy. Feeling like your consulting business is stuck at $100k 💰and you’re working harder than ever? Here’s free training (select existing consultant on our page) about how to make $250k+ in revenue and work less hours. ⏱️ many of us, Holly Rustick, fell into grant writing, actually she “flew” into it. 🛩️Teaching in Kuwait and then earning a Master’s Degree in International Political Economy in Belgium, Holly first took a job in Indonesia to work on community development when a tsunami devastated the area. Her work was rewarding and successful and landed her in a virtual grant writing agency outside of DC. Holly saw the light of setting up a virtual-based business 💻 in grant writing back in the mid-2000s.Holly has since built a thriving consulting business, Grant Writing & Funding, where she coaches others to enhance their grant writing and business skills.Beyond the business, Holly is a published fiction author finding worldly roots in Guam as an industry expert and a busy momma. Holly has been a huge mentor and inspiration for Meredith, an affirmation from the beginning that yes, it’s possible to build, to dream big, and teach grant writing online. 🦄 Tune in for the juicy details of Holly’s journey, how her business celebrates their wins, and the upcoming Nonprofit Consulting Conference, a live event centered around the theme of knowing when to grow your nonprofit consulting business. ✅ You can register for that event here: you’d like to learn more about either The Global Grant Writer Collective or the On Demand Freelance Grant Writing Master Course…✅ We’ve made an easy side-by-side comparison of the programs here: =0Curious about how to break the ceiling in your own consulting business? Check out this FREE training just for you! us some comments below. Feel free to DM us on Instagram as well.🧡 The Team at Learn Grant WritingTimestamps:00:00 Intro02:00 Getting A Grant Writing Start Internationally05:05 The Transition From In-House to Freelance Grant Writer 09:00 Running A Consulting Business + Building A Grant Writing Course 10:00 Finding The Boundaries Of A Consulting Business11:53 Finding Clients In Rural Places (Like Guam)17:44 How Ai Effects The Industry22:29 The Origin Story of the Nonprofit Consulting Conference27:01 Coaching Side-By-Side Comparison of Programs30:39 Community Group Side-By-Side Comparison of Programs34:04 Price Point Side-By-Side Comparison of Programs36:50 The Bonuses Side-By-Side Comparison of Programs40:51 Live Events Side-By-Side Comparison of Programs44:52 Being Isolated As A Competitive Edge46:45 Vision For The Next Five Years

🎉 Welcome to Grant Writing & Funding with Holly Rustick! 📝💰 [Video]

Welcome to Grant Writing and Funding with Holly Rustick! Our channel is dedicated to helping beginning grant writers, nonprofits, freelancers, nonprofit consultants, and more. We have playlists tailored to each of YOU as well as the Grant Writing and Funding Podcast. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed in grant writing and funding. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your grant writing skills to the next level, we’ve got you covered. Join us on this journey and let’s make a difference together!BEGINNING GRANT WRITERS:Playlist: Write Better Grants – Resources: with Me:Freelance Grant Writers:PLAYLIST:FREE RESOURCES:Nonprofits:PLAYLIST:RESOURCES:

Burnt Out Teacher Caroline: From 0 Experience To Winning Over $5.6 Million In Funding ⚡ In 5 Months [Video]

English teacher Caroline found herself without a voice, burnt out, and pushed to her physical limits in the classroom. In 2021, Caroline quit and took a leap into the unknown. Googling “jobs for burnt out educators,” she found grant writing. After five months in the Collective she made $35k in revenue and has won $5.6 million in funding to date! Curious how you could get into grant writing and build a career in it? Here is a free training on how to do that without volunteering or having prior experience: likes to say she accidentally started a business. When she joined the Collective, she had her eyes on working with an organization in the bay area. She needed to level up her skills. As she gained the skills to research and write grants, she pulled in some clients along the way. She quickly met her first goal of working with a local organization as a contractor. Suddenly she was building a business. Like a dream, she was winning funding for causes she cared deeply about.Caroline started as a newbie, but she’s crushing grants and building teams not even half a year in. She’s now part of the %5 Club with the Global Grant Writers Collective as she continues to grow her consulting business to $250+. Check out more stories about how we help new grant writers build the life they love:🧡 The Team at Learn Grant Writing Timestamps: 00:00 Intro02:00 Transition from burnt out teacher04:00 Overcoming the fear of being without paychecks05:52 Finding grant writing as a good fit over tech industry08:47 Surpassing goals as a new grant writer11:42 Winning a competitive grant14:10 How long before you saw success as a grant writer?16:56 What it’s like to subcontract18:02 The Global Grant Writers Collective has helped me18:18 Rapid fire get to know you questions21:53 How is The Collective helping you get to the next level of hiring a virtual assistant

Ai Questions Answered! How Ai Can Help With The Heavy Lifting Of Writing Proposals For Grant Writers [Video]

No joke, writing a proposal is a hunk of work. 💪 You have the project management skills to complete the marathon of writing a proposal in strides, but a hunch tells us you’re looking for ways to make the grant writing process easier. We had the same desire! ♥️​Enter Philip Deng 💡 co-founder of Grantable, an AI-powered proposal writing assistant that helps individuals write grants 5x times faster. Even if you’re hesitant about the emergence of Ai, take a hot second to think about that– 5x more free time. Buy back your time ringing a bell? 🔔We’re all about more time for the things you love!Here is a free training on how to build a flexible life with a career in grant writing: wanted to tackle our own questions around Ai + grant writing so we teamed up with Philip Deng to ask questions about Ai in the industry. 🤖Philip brings 15 years of nonprofit sector experience, including as a founder and executive director, grants manager, and freelance grant consultant.He’s been using his genius to explore the cross section of technology and the nonprofit sector since 2020.In this fireside we get into the meat of Ai and its role in the nonprofit sector: ✨ Is Ai Going To Take My Job As A Grant Writer?✨ How Grantable Came To Be✨ How Is Grantable Better Than Chat Gpt For Grant Writers?✨ How To Learn Ai Re-Training & Prompting (Boundaries, Examples) ✨ The Workflow Of A First, Second, And Third Draft✨ The Number of Organizations Going After Grants Will Increase (the sector prioritizing equity)✨ Nonprofits As Part Of This Tech Revolution With Ai Being Human-Centered Technology​Bottom line: Ai won’t take your job. Someone using Ai will. Whether you’re pumped about it or threatened (all valid feelings!), know that you’re on the font end of this. You’re not getting left behind. Take a deep breath and lean into your curiosity, explore, tinker listen and learn from Philip as he talks about thinking forward with excitement. Pretty neat that the nonprofit sector has an unprecedented role to play in this technical revolution. You can sign up for a free Grantable account with a name and email here:↪️ Upgrading to the premium account? Use discount code UNICORN at checkout for two months free (equivalent of 100,000 tokens of usage).Wanting to build on Ai technology, but not confident about grant writing? Listen to Meredith’s book, “How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn” for free here:’d love to know your thoughts. Drop us a comment below. Feel free to DM us on Instagram as well.🧡 The Team at Learn Grant WritingResources: Grantable: Process Podcast: Deng’s article “Removing the AI From Artificial Intelligence” 1% Of All Applicants Take Down Half of all grants every year 93% write grants without external help 7% use external help from consultants or firms75% of organizations have a budget of $500K or lessTimestamps:00:00 Intro02:00 Who Is Philip Deng? Touching Grant Writing From All Angles02:40 Is Ai Going To Take My Job As A Grant Writer?04:14 The Number of Organizations Going After Grants Will Increase (the sector prioritizing equity)04:40 Some Real Numbers In The Industry, Potential For Growth05:37 Competitiveness Rates and Funders Adopting Changes?08:50 What Will Happen When The Grantors Start Using Ai To Gauge Authenticity (False Positives In Detectors)11:55 High-Level Overview of Grantable13:30 How GPT Is The Large Language Model From OpenAi15:01 How Is Grantable Better Than ChatGpt For Grant Writers?18:18 How To Learn Ai Re-Training & Prompting (Boundaries, Examples)20:15 How The Model Works (Analyzing, Computing, Billions Of Data Points)24:45 The Educational Side Of Using Grantable (Curiosity)29:50 Inputting Information From Clients & Privacy 32:00 Reviewing Grants?36:06 Live View Demo Account Using Real Grant Application40:16 The Workflow, The First, Second, And Third Draft44:45 Should You Bring Clients In To Collaboration47:10 Tokens (Not Crypto) Like Fuel In Your Tank or Battery, Ai Usage49:40 How To Use .PDFS in Grantable 51:07 How To Think Forward, Nonprofit Is “Business On Hard Mode” 55:00 Nonprofits As Part Of This Tech Revolution With Ai Being Human-Centered Technology56:55 ChatGPT As A Researcher (A Problem)

How To Break Into A New Career With No Prior Experience & Without Accumulating Debt (Yes, For Real!) [Video]

The million dollar question: how do you break into a new career with no prior experience and without having to go back to school accumulating debt? 🤔🗝️ The Organic Networking Framework 🗝️This methodology is a way to break into any new career and get paid better than you might feel you’re qualified for. 🤩Curious how you could get into grant writing and build a career in it? Here is a free training on how to do that without volunteering or having prior experience: basics of the Organic Networking Framework include two key strategies:🧁 We recommend you freelance/side hustle your first $15,000 in any new career that interests you. 🧁 Then, decide your next career move: freelance full-time or land a full-time job.You can achieve this through our 5 step process: 1️⃣ Create An Outreach Contact List👉🏾 Pssst…the best part about this is that it’s an introvert friendly method for creating opportunities for yourself that are endless. 🎉🤸🏾‍♀️2️⃣ Host Informational Interviews3️⃣ Offer A Deliverable That Will Allow For A Quick Win4️⃣ Complete The Deliverable & Exceed Expectations5️⃣ Amend The Contract✨ Bonus Step 6️⃣: Repeat!Remember that amazing things can happen for you beyond your wildest dreams if you learn a methodology and pattern you can follow. 🦄Resources and links:🔸 Free training on how to build a career in grant writing: about the Global Grant Writers Collective and how others have experienced success? Check out this page chock-full of member reviews: Or, email us at with your questions!🧡 The Team at Learn Grant WritingTimestamps00:00 Intro00:35 What Is The Global Grant Writers Collective?00:55 What Is The Organic Networking Framework?02:00 Step #1: Create An Outreach Contact List02:42 Step #2: Host Informational Interviews03:36 Step #3: Offer A Deliverable That Will Allow For A Quick Win04:32 Step #4: Complete The Deliverable & Exceed Expectations05:10 Step #5: Amend The Contract06:24 Bonus Step #6: Repeat07:05 Decide Your Next Career Move

Anna Embraced Freedom By Creating A Business & Moving To Consulting After 1 Year In The Collective ✨ [Video]

Anna Nelson has been a member of the Global Grant Writers Collective for over two years. She’s been with us from the very beginning! 🥹 Before joining, Anna was an editor, teacher, engineer, and professional pilot. ✈️ She joined to expand her career into a space where she had more flexibility, could make her own schedule, and have a greater impact on the world. 🤸‍♀️ Since joining, she’s mastered the art of optimizing grant budgets, successfully launched her own grant writing business, secured over $8 million in grant funding, and found immense enjoyment in her life. 🙌Curious how you could get into grant writing and build a career in it? Here is a free training on how to do that without volunteering or having prior experience:’s initial goal for success was to run her own life, have a job that can support her family, and not be living in a high stress work environment. Anna also wanted to do work that helped the world. 🌎As the primary income provider, Anna struggled to commit to full time consulting. She was planning to make the switch in her five year plan, but in reality she was well set up to make the transition after one year. 🥳Working two full-time jobs simultaneously was difficult, but more or less, Anna just got used to working a lot of hours. She had the support of her family to work as needed. Having gone through it, Anna is now more aware of her capacity and how to set boundaries. 🙅‍♀️🧁 Anna’s proudest accomplishment was the ability to leave a full-time job to full-time consulting. 🧁 “The Global Grant Writers Collective has helped me gain confidence, learn how to write grants, and find a community of people I can connect with.”🧁 Advice to those debating going after their dream?“Make a plan. Don’t be afraid to dive in after. Learn about the skill you want to develop.”Resources and links:🔸 One Small Step Writing Services: have questions about the Global Grant Writers Collective? Check out this elaborate FAQ page: Or, email us at🧡 The Team at Learn Grant WritingTimestamps00:00 Intro01:33 Making The Move To Get Off The Hamster Wheel03:33 Picking Grant Writing06:17 Initial Measure Of Success07:40 Transitioning From Full Time Work To Consulting11:13 Most Rewarding Aspect Of The Grant Writing Journey12:35 Challenging Aspects Of The Grant Writing Journey13:55 Working Two Full Time Jobs At The Same Time18:02 Anna’s Proudest Accomplishment19:15 “The Global Grant Writers Collective Has Helped Me…”21:00 Rapid Fire Questions26:06 People Walking A Similar Path To A New Career Or Starting A Business34:23 Advice To Those Debating Going After Their Dream