Places To Donate

You a Charitable Organization or Martyr for a Cause? [Video]

Source: you operate, run, or lead a charitable organization? This is a controversial topic; pay close attention. It means the difference between the success and failure of your mission.Too many start charitable organizations for good reason, yet end up martyring themselves for a cause. Are you making these mistakes in the management of a non-profit?Nobody is helped if you become poor. A well ran charitable organization at least breaks even. Don’t let your mission’s excitement overshadow the practical nature of money.What’s the one question you must ask yet offends most if asked? Who is your real customer when you run a charity? What are some key strategies to improve fundraising?I cover all this and more in today’s episode. There is no need to martyr yourself for a cause. With the right approach, everyone wins, and your mission lives on in service.Charitable giving is a way to reduce taxes and is part of a wealth-building strategy. Understanding these concepts will help you test worthy causes. Join us to learn more strategies for wealth building, #NonProfitManagement #fundraising

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Nonprofit Budget Template for Grant Proposals | Grant Budget Templates | Nonprofit Grants [Video]

Templates can be found at and Nonprofit Budget Template for Project or Program Grant Proposals New to nonprofit budgeting and unsure where to start? Let these templates be your guide. Applying for a grant and need to submit a budget with your application? No need to recreate the wheel, save time by using these templates and simply plugging in your information. Have you already received a grant (congrats!) but need to now submit a budget report? These templates will work for this, too!Perhaps you can’t afford a professional grant writer or bookkeeper… yet. Not a problem! These templates will help you stress less while also saving time and money.You will receive:- Two .xlsx customizable budget spreadsheets The spreadsheets:* are easy to use* include instructions on how to use * contain auto-calculations throughout* include budgeting tips and tricks* have four tabs with two versions – each with a sample budget and a blank one for your use.Note: If you prefer Google Sheets, the file can easily be be converted by hitting “select all, then copying and pasting into a Google Sheet. Grant opportunities are typically reserved for 501c3 and 501c4 organizations.Please note: these budget templates are for project/program budgets, not for an overall agency budget/annual budget.

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

The Innkeepers – Season 4, Episode 6 – Support Raising Through Building Relationships [Video]

Dan Abbott, Development Director at Sanctuary Inn, shares what God has taught him on the journey of support raising.ABOUT DAN ABBOTT:Dan Abbott comes from a YWAM ministry background, enjoys teaching and preaching, and graduated from Western Seminary with a Masters in Biblical Studies and Theology. He has been working at Sanctuary Inn for the last five years and currently is the Development Director. Dan and his wife Anna are the parents of three young sons.ADDITIONAL RESOURCE:• A Spirituality of Fundraising (Henri Nouwen Spirituality) by Henri J.M. Nouwen –• The Treasure Principle Bible Study: Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving by Randy Alcorn –• The Sower: Redefining the Ministry of Raising Kingdom Resources by R. Scott Rodin and Gary G. Hoag –🔔 Subscribe to our channel✉️ Subscribe to our Newsletter🙏 Commit to Pray : Signup to receive our Prayer Newsletters. Us✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅