Family Travel, Single Travel, Couples Travel

Carly Hiked the Vancouver Island Trail [Video]

Solo. Approximately 800km / 500miles She saw no other hikers outside the 2 provincial parks. There are multiple route options, but here’s the gist. Carly Wiechnik: The two higher elevation mountainous sections, the Beauforts and Strathcona, can be snow covered until the end of June, and snow can begin to fall again around the month

Family Travel, Single Travel, Couples Travel

The Meaning Behind “And I Love Her” by The Beatles [Video]

A Hard Days Nightbegan a new era for The Beatles. They were evolving into a whole new band. In the early days, they covered Chuck Berry and Little Richard songs. The gigantic success of I Want To Hold Your Hand and She Loves You shook up the world. The soundtrack of their first feature-length movie called for new material from John Lennon and Paul McCartney. This was when the band was evolving past yeah, yeah, yeah,but not yet moving into the experimental directions they would travel. This acoustic phase produced If I Fell, No Reply, and Ill Follow The Sun. They still covered early rock n roll, rhythm n blues, and rockabilly songs but were finding their footing. Lets look at the meaning behind the crushingly beautiful And I Love Her by The Beatles.