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Women Scuba Divers [Video]

((TITLE)) Women Scuba Divers((TRT: 06:30))

((Reporter/Camera/Editor/Producer: Genia Dulot))((Map: Coiba National Park, Panama))((Main characters: 1 female; 0 male))

((Sub characters: 4 female; 0 male)) ((Blurb: A scuba diving instructor Maira Thomas wanted to involve more women in the sport, so several years ago she started ScubaMAR Maids, an online community of women, who travel and dive together. We join them in their trip to Panama.))((NATS))((Maira ThomasScuba Diving Instructor))Some people say that it’s very challenging for women to carry tanks, and that’s why we don’t get hired at dive shops a lot, but this is how you do it. You put one on your shoulder and you just bring the other one along with you. Let’s go diving. Well, I started diving 2008, so I would say 2009 and [20]10 is when I was a divemaster. There were not a lot of female instructors or divemasters …

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AP African American studies class debuts in 60 US high schools Action News Jax [Video]

AP African American Studies will introduce a new generation of students to the amazingly rich cultural, artistic and political contributions of African Americans, said Trevor Packer, the College Boards senior vice president of AP and instruction.