Grant Writing for Non-Profits

What Does Yvon Chouinard Giving Away Patagonia Mean For Grant Writers And The Future Of Funders? 🌍 [Video]

Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, has decided to give his share of the company (majority ownership) to a nonprofit organization trust. 🤯As grant writers, what does this mean for funders? What could this mean in the future as a trend? 🤔 Curious how you could get into grant writing and build a career in it? Here is a free training on how to do that without volunteering or having prior experience: Chouinard is the ultimate role model in terms of putting money where their mouth is. This is a legacy of leadership and an experiment in responsible business. 🌿Patagonia is a pioneer leader in business:🌱 Cofounding 1% for the Planet🌱 Organic cotton🌱 Flex time for employees🌱 Company daycare🌱 Supporting local grassroots activity & small businesses🌱 Protecting Bristol BayThe big question: will other companies follow suit? We think so! ✨➡️ If you’re an organization doing any sort of climate change work, see how you already align to the giving history of Patagonia today to understand where their donations will go in the future. If you’re not doing climate change work, there are still lessons to be learned:1️⃣ Do you feel at peace and in alignment with your values?2️⃣ Does this challenge your beliefs about business and profits being bad?3️⃣ How can you focus on what’s “strong” versus what’s “wrong” in your narrative writing?What was your takeaway from learning and reading about Yvon’s decision? Let us know in the comments!Resources and links:🔸 “Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman” by Yvon Chouinard:🔸 Patagonia reinvents itself again: ‘We’re making Earth our only shareholder’:🔸 NY Times: Billionaire No More: Patagonia Founder Gives Away the Company:🔸 Patagonia Workwear & Keree Smith:🔸 Everything Old Is New Again: Bristol Bay and the Pebble Mine:🔸 United Tribes of Bristol Bay:🔸 “The Antiracist Business Book: An Equity Centered Approach to Work, Wealth, and Leadership” by Trudi Lebrón:🔸 What is Deficit-Based (Wrong) Versus Strength-Based (Strong) Writing? blog post:🔸 Strength vs. Deficit Based Writing 🔥 How to Write a Compelling Grant That Doesn’t Victimize video: to learn more about the Global Grant Writers Collective? DM us on Instagram! On the fence about joining the Collective? We would love to connect with you! Email us at 🧡 The Team at Learn Grant WritingTimestamps00:00 Intro00:55 Big News! 01:24 What This Means For Grant Applicants02:33 Patagonia: A Pioneer Leader In Business04:03 Mission To Save The Planet 06:00 Keree Smith: Bristol Bay Fisherwoman 07:05 Protecting Bristol Bay08:30 #1 Action Step For Climate Change Work Organizations09:20 Lessons To Be Learned13:18 Recap

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Burned Out Farmer In The Congo Turned Successful Agricultural Grant Writer With Flexible Schedule 🌾📝 [Video]

Juan Whiting is a member of the Global Grant Writers Collective and has established a niche grant writing within the agriculture industry. 🌽 Juan has a Masters Degree in International Agriculture Development. What he loves most about grant writing is that he can create his own schedule – no need to clock in-clock out! ⏱️Here is a free training on how to build a career in grant writing: led him here? 🛣️He said yes to every class offered by a specific professor in college. That yes led him to working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 🧳 After starting a company six years ago in the Congo, Juan and his family are back in the states where they’ve said yes to grant writing full-time.Juan has raised over $18M in funding for organizations. Even with that background and a less than desirable experience with a different grant writer certification program, he decided to become a member of the Global Grant Writers Collective. 🦄Juan appreciated the emphasis on ensuring students understood the systems and process of grant writing. 🎨 The templates offered in the Collective have simplified his business and brought so much value to his life. Big contracts started to close due to a combo of good timing and people hitting his LinkedIn when a big USDA grant was announced. Juan loves that he can work from home, be around his kids, and still work in agriculture. ✨Juan’s proudest accomplishment is to still be here working! After four federal grants in a short time period, Juan was exhausted. 😴 But, he followed the method taught in the Collective and felt confident. 💪 Next up on the docket for Juan:🔸 Bringing on an assistant and another grant writer🔸 Helping to manage the grants he wins🔸 Carrying out contract with the UN to do a $100M grant🔸 Surpassing the $100k revenue milestone➡️ To those debating on whether to go after their dream, Juan said: “Don’t overthink it. Don’t get wrapped up in analysis paralysis. Just go do it.”Resources and links:🔸 Stray Acres:🔸 Juan’s LinkedIn: about the Global Grant Writers Collective? Check out this elaborate FAQ page: Or, if you’re not sure the Collective is the right fit for you, we would love to connect with you! You can send us a DM on Instagram ( or email us at🧡 The Team at Learn Grant Writing Timestamps00:00 Intro00:35 The Yes That Brought Juan To This Point04:00 How Juan Raised $18M In Funding05:50 Why Juan Joined The Collective10:40 Power Of Niching13:12 Proudest Accomplishment16:30 Number Of Clients19:40 Rapid Fire Questions22:00 What Juan Would Say To Those Debating On Whether To Go After Their Dream

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Should You Niche In Your Grant Writing Business? The Pros & Cons Of Niching V. Being a Generalist.🤔 [Video]

Have you ever heard the phrase, “The riches are in the niches”? Or, the opposite? That niching down as far as you can go is just plain awful advice. So…as a grant writer…to niche or not to niche? 🤔 That’s the question we’re talking about in today’s video. ⬆️Like audiobooks and podcasts? Listen to Meredith’s book, “How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn” for free here: does work. Here a few pros:1️⃣ Crafting a laser-focused message to your target nonprofit.2️⃣ In time you can truly become the “go-to” grant writer in that field or with that type of grant.Struggling with the concept of niching? Sometimes it can feel like a lot of unnecessary pressure! 🏋🏼‍♀️The key to getting out of that unfair pressure is to remember that clarity only comes from taking concrete action. 🔎You can’t just sit in “analysis paralysis”. You have to venture out, take that leap of faith, and try new industries. 👣That doesn’t mean you will be everything to everyone. ❌ But your particular zone of genius will develop over time. If you’re the person that feels strongly against niching or you just don’t want to – you don’t have to in order to have success. You can thrive being a generalist. You don’t have to have everything figured out because nobody does! 😊If you do pick a niche, understand that it’s OK to change your mind and pivot if you feel called somewhere else. 🕊️We want to hear from you! What are your thoughts on niching? How did you come to choose your niche? Why did you decide to stay general? Does this topic stress you out? Let us know in the comments!Here is a free training on how to build a career in grant writing: you know we have a self study online grant writing class for nonprofit professionals? Or for those that aren’t sure they will like grant writing. You can learn more about Grant Writing: From Start to Funded here: Have questions about the Global Grant Writers Collective? Check out this elaborate FAQ page: Feel free to DM us on Instagram as well. 🧡 The Team at Learn Grant WritingTimestamps00:00 Intro00:45 Folks Joining The Collective02:05 Niching Does Work + Pros04:00 Struggling With The Concept of Niching?05:20 Clarity Only Comes From Taking Concrete Action 07:05 When You Feel Strongly Against Niching08:11 It’s Okay To Change Your Mind

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

How To Hire A Trusted Grant Writer: Questions To Ask, Scope Of Work To Start With, & Payment Terms [Video]

How do you hire a grant writer? 🤔 How do you find a grant writer? Where is someone that you trust? What are the questions you should ask? What scope of work should you start with? Can you pay the grant writer from the grant?Such good questions. We have some answers. When looking to find a grant writer you can trust, check out our page ➡️ can also:🔸 Check out Open Grants🔸 Find out who wrote a past grant that was successful for your organization🔸 Search for press releases on who is getting grant funding🔸 Go to regional/community foundations to ask about the grant writing contracting industry➡️ Send an email at or DM us on Instagram if you think we should be doubling down on this.When working with a grant writer, the methodology that we strongly encourage is to start with a funding strategy. You need to know which grants to pursue! 📋Learn more about the 7-steps to writing winning grants in this free grant writing class:’re probably curious if a grant writer can get paid from the grant. Short answer: no, that is no longer considered an ethical or eligible use of funds. 🚫 Funders want their programming funding to go to what you say it’s going to go to in your application. You pay for professional services. In the world of grant writing, what you pay for is what you get. What to look for when you want to find a great grant writer:1️⃣ Observe how they interact with you professionally.2️⃣ Find a certified grant writer. You are probably tempted to ask about their win rate. We discourage you from asking that because it’s not the whole picture. 🖼️If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas, add them in the comments below! Did you know we have a self study online grant writing class for nonprofit professionals? Or for those that aren’t sure they will like grant writing. You can learn more about Grant Writing: From Start to Funded here: More questions? Feel free to DM us on Instagram as well. 🧡 The Team at Learn Grant Writing Timestamps00:00 Intro00:35 How Do You Find a Grant Writer You Can Trust?05:40 How Should You Work With a Grant Writer?06:55 Can a Grant Writer Get Paid From The Grant?09:50 What Should You Be Looking For When You Want to Find a Great Grant Writer?

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Pose a Threat to The Future of Grant Writing and Grant Writers? 🧐 [Video]

Curious about how AI (artificial intelligence) will impact the future of grant writing? Will grant writers even be needed? 😨 An article we read on AI concluded that AI works better when partnered with humans. ✋ We think that is going to be the same story when AI enters the field of grant writing. No, you’re not getting written out of the picture when it comes to creative writing. ✍️ We do think there are certain writing jobs that will be replaced by AI, including financial reports published daily. Curious how you could get into grant writing and build a career in it? Here is a free training on how to do that without volunteering or having prior experience: looking at a software solution to streamline the grant writing process, it was found that the skill is really human centered. The structures in which you operate as a grant writer are still painfully slow. 🐢 This is not exactly an industry that is pioneering the way forward to be super progressive. Using standardized language to plug in and adjust per the application? Even that is too complicated as every grant application is nuanced and you have to answer the question precisely. 📏If anyone is going to know about the role of AI entering into the world of grant writing, it’s the team at Learn Grant Writing. We’ll figure out how to take out the mundane parts of grant writing so the best parts are still saved for our creative thinking minds. 🧠✨ TL;DR: Don’t let the fear of AI hold you back. It’s not something that’s coming anytime soon for the grant writing industry. ✨What other questions do you have? Post in the comments below.Resources and links:🔸 “Japanese AI Writes a Novel, Nearly Wins Literary Award” ➡️,A%20Computer%20Writes%20A%20Novel.🔸 “Will AI Replace Your Writing Job?” ➡️,that%20require%20some%20computer%20literacy.Like reading? Check out Meredith’s 2nd edition of How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn. Questions about the Global Grant Writers Collective? Check out this elaborate FAQ page: Feel free to DM us on Instagram as well. 🧡 The Team at Learn Grant Writing Timestamps00:00 Intro00:28 AI & Creative Writing1:28 AI Replacing Your Writing Job2:16 How We Foresee AI Affecting Grant Writing4:34 Final Thoughts

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Wedeline Beat Imposter Syndrome to Land a Full-Time Grant Writing Job With Limited Experience 🌟 [Video]

Wedeline Casimir is a performing artist and incredibly talented singer who has found joy in grant writing! ✨ The big decision that led her to Learn Grant Writing was pushing herself to try something new. When COVID happened, Wedeline decided to offer online voice lessons. This was a big step out of her comfort zone, but it paid off! Bonus: Wedeline learned that she loved working for herself. 📣 She sought to learn grant writing to support the arts organizations she’s proud of and to utilize her technical writing skills. And, she wanted to work on her own time while still making a sustainable income. 💪Curious how you could get into grant writing and build a career in it? Here is a free training on how to do that without volunteering or having prior experience: overcame imposter syndrome to land her current full-time grant writing job. She learned of the job while in the process of conducting informational interviews. One of the theater organizations she reached out to was hiring for two positions: Development Coordinator and Development Manager. Wedeline’s experience level pegged her for the Development Coordinator position, but she decided to shoot for the Development Manager position. 😎 She had the tools, the will to learn, and the passion to be successful in the role! Wedeline is currently raising money to record a full-length album. 🎙️ The album will focus on grief, heartbreak, love, and faith. Follow along with her singing journey on Instagram: 🎶Her proudest moments in the grant writing field have been writing her first Federal grant and developing an LOI for a grant she found! 🎉For Wedeline, the biggest takeaways from LGW include:🔸 following up in the informational interview process🔸 project planning🔸 getting the words out before editing (a messy first draft!)🔸 relational community and vulnerability in the community groupFor those considering whether or not to pursue their dream, Wedeline’s advice is to just start!Questions about the Global Grant Writers Collective? Check out this elaborate FAQ page: Still have questions about the Collective? Celeste is our Unicorn Career Scale Specialist. AKA she helps you decide if a career in grant writing is right for you! If you’d like to schedule a 1:1 with her, send us an email at🧡 The Team at Learn Grant Writing Timestamps00:00 Intro00:20 The Decision That Led Wedeline to Learn Grant Writing02:48 Why Wedeline Decided to Learning Grant Writing05:12 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome to Land Her Current Job9:30 Confidence in the Interview Process12:15 Looking Ahead16:40 Wedeline’s Proudest Grant Writing Moment18:18 Key Takeaways From Learning With LGW20:40 Rapid Fire Questions

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

How to Manage The Fear of Not Winning The Grant: Six Tried and True Practices to Ease Your Anxiety [Video]

Are you afraid of what’s going to happen if you don’t win the grant? Feel the pressure of the weight of the organization is literally on your shoulders to fund it? 🏋️ We have six great tips to manage that debilitating pressure.Recognize that in grant writing, nobody bats 100%. ⚾ You’re working in a sport that has odds. Not all proposals are funded. We get that you sometimes still might have anxiety and fears about not winning a grant. It’s real, but we have ways to manage it:1️⃣ Develop a Funding Strategy Roadmap 🗺️This system works! You can’t write a grant application and not be able to show the picture of how the rest of the project will be funded if that one grant isn’t covering it alone. Even if that one grant can cover it, it’s important to demonstrate diversified funding. Want a free grant budget template? You can download a copy of ours here:️⃣ Build Relationships With FundersRelationship building is one of the most valuable and important things you can do. As a grant writer, you like sticking behind the scenes and that’s probably why you chose to become a grant writer versus a fundraiser. Building a relationship with funders helps you understand what they want and helps you put together a relevant grant proposal. 3️⃣ Debrief With the Funder Win or LoseWith many Federal programs, you receive a scorecard of your application. This helps you know where to strengthen your application for next time! 💪4️⃣ Get TrainedDon’t waste years making stupid mistakes. Research and consider the many options available. At Learn Grant Writing, we have two programs. Grant Writing: From Start to Funded is a self-study online course. Second, the Global Writers Collective features training, community, coaching calls. See what’s right for you and get trained so you don’t have to do it the hard way. 5️⃣ Build Peer Community SupportThe weird thing about grant writing is that it’s lonely. As a consultant, asking questions all the time could undermine your authority. When you’re a grant writer in an organization, you are the person that knows the most and you don’t have anyone to ask when questions arise. Having a community is huge and it’s the magic in the Collective. ✨6️⃣ Recognize What is in Your Control and What is NotIt’s easy to get super hung up on trying to control every aspect of the grant writing process. Grant writers are kind of control freaks. The plus side is that this characteristic makes us detail-oriented, but the downside is that it can also hurt us. When you are fretting about something, it’s really important to physically write out what you can control and what you cannot control. ✏️ Then, surrender the pieces you can’t control.Resources and links:🔸 Check out this training we did with Instrumentl about our methodology ➡️🔸 What’s the difference between grant writing and fundraising? ➡️ 🔸 “How To Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn” by Meredith Noble ➡️ 🔸What Grant Funders Want You to Know In the Indigenous, Environment, and Cultural Preservation Space video ➡️ Indigenous Funder Panel 🔸Review of Top 20 Online Grant Writing Classes video ➡️ Questions about the Global Grant Writers Collective? Check out this elaborate FAQ page: Did you know we have a self study online grant writing class for nonprofit professionals? Or for those that aren’t sure they will like grant writing. You can learn more about Grant Writing: From Start to Funded here: Feel free to DM us on Instagram as well. 🧡 The Team at Learn Grant Writing Timestamps00:00 Intro00:36 Nobody Bats 100%02:05 #1: Develop a Funding Strategy Roadmap02:53 #2: Build Relationships With Funders05:17 #3: Debrief With the Funder Win or Lose06:26 #4: Get Trained07:45 #5: Build Peer Community Support09:35 #6: Recognize What is in Your Control and What is Not11:30 Recap

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Veteran Grants: Business, Education, Farm, Home (Tutorial, Links) [Video]

This video is PACKED with grants and services from government agencies, corporations, and nonprofit organizations, for veterans – including disabled veterans – who want to start a small business; start a farm; buy, adapt, or repair a home; and pursue college or career training. Special note: Some of these grant funds are from veterans, for veterans, offering not only dollars but a large community of other veterans as mentors and colleagues. Time Stamps:00:00 There are many grants available for veterans00:30 Grants for veterans to start a business01:11 Grants for veterans to start a farm01:28 Grants for veterans to buy, repair, or adapt a home02:19 Education and training grants for veterans03:26 Meeting immediate needsIf you are in personal crisis, these services are available. VA benefit enrollment is NOT required:Veterans Crisis LineCALL 1-800-273-8255, Press 1TEXT 838255CHAT Crisis LineCALL 1-800-273-8255, Press 1TEXT 838255CHAT Related Grant Chatter videos:The Small Business Administration, Grants for Small Business, Grants for Disabled Persons, Links mentioned in video (NO affiliation. NO paid promotion):Grants for veterans to start a business Find SBA offices near you, business guide, Service Corps of Retired Executives, or SCORE, Veteran Entrepreneur Portal, Grants for veterans to start a farmFarmer Veteran Coalition, information (2 links), and Service Center, Grants for veterans to buy, repair, or adapt a home Education and career grants, plus trades training for veterans2 long lists of scholarship options for veterans,, Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, Home Builders Institute, and Lockheed Martin Heroes Program, Hiring our Heroes, SkillBridge, Warrior Care Program, What about immediate needs?(1) Veteran and Military Crisis Lines are listed above(2) Food, clothing, emergency shelter, help with bills, or immediate repairs, you can also call 2-1-1More information at Free help with municipal, circuit and probate courts in your state by contacting Connect2Help.org About the VAFor VA benefits, find your nearest Veteran Service Office: Grant Chatter on Instagram: https://www.instagram dot com/grantchatter/ Grant Chatter on Facebook: https://www.facebook dot com/grant.chatter.5 Subscribe to Grant Chatter, to learn how to find grants, write grants, and win them! Thank you for watching. See you in the next video!

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

We Wild Women Webinar Replay: Ch’weghtsen Point System For Habit Building, Deep Work Experiments 🤓 [Video]

This is a replay of a webinar I did with We Wild Women. It’s the first time I shared publicly the gas leak explosion and shared my Ch’weghtsen Point System which is a methodology for building habits. 🔨 This point system is me at my weirdest, 🤓 BUT turns out it resonated with many listeners! What is the Ch’eghwetsen Method? (pronounced “Chew-Witzen”) This is a habit building system for the overly self-critical female entrepreneur. It doesn’t have much to do with the business of Learn Grant Writing, but *everything* to do with the success I’ve had with growing the business. ✨ Curious how you could get into grant writing and build a career in it? Here is a free training on how to do that without volunteering or having prior experience: your own:1️⃣ Make a checklist of habits2️⃣ Laminate3️⃣ Dedicate 5 minutes a day for a half-page journal entry4️⃣ Move points to a spreadsheet 5️⃣ Track the trend lineCh’eghwetsen is a Koyukon Athabascan word for true love. Taking care of yourself, taking care of your health, and being gentle is true love. 🧡 By tracking the overall trend line of your habits, you can begin improving not only habits, but also behavior. 💪 Our brains 🧠 can only handle so many moving parts, so the more we can streamline the repetitive pieces, we save our brain capacity for deeper work. Remember: progress is better than perfection. This system translates really well to business through Standard Operating Procedures and other checklists. At LGW, we have a Weekly Sync and a SOP Playbook. Our Weekly Team Meeting Agenda is built out in Asana, a project management tool. 📋 This agenda has been transformative for reducing mistakes and feeling grounded/connected as a team. We all have wake up call moments. 🌅 Mine was a gas leak house explosion which made it clear that the way we’re working isn’t working. This accelerated a drive for a slower way of operating while still delivering an amazing experience to members in the Collective. The first experiment was to start with Deep Work Wednesday. 🖥️Overall, the Ch’eghwetsen Method is a habit tracking system. Changing habits isn’t all that difficult, but if you can’t change habits, you can’t change behaviors. By tracking the overall trend line of your habits, you can begin improving not only habits, but also behavior. 💪What are your wake up call moments? Is the Ch’weghsetsen Method something you would try?Resources and links:🔸 “How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn” by Meredith Noble 🔸 We Wild Women🔸 Ch’eghwetsen Point System Checklist Template 🔸 “The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right” by Atul Gawande🔸 “Deep Work” by Cal Newport🔸 “Stop. Breathe. We Can’t Keep Working Like This.” :// The Ezra Klein Show🔸 Living Through a Gas Leak Explosion Walk Through:🔸 Global Grant Writers CollectiveMore questions about the Collective? Celeste is our Unicorn Career Scale Specialist. AKA she helps you decide if a career in grant writing is right for you! If you’d like to schedule a 1:1 with her, send us an email at .Feel free to DM us on Instagram as well. 🧡 The Team at Learn Grant Writing Timestamps00:00 Intro02:50 Introducing Meredith 03:27 The Ch’eghwestsen Method Explained10:05 Why This Method Works12:10 Why the Name?13:30 Build Your Own System17:33 Morning Routine 19:30 Standard Operating Procedures and Checklists in Business31:00 Gas Leak House Explosion + Takeaways39:00 How To Be A Freelance Grant Writer41:10 Open Q&A54:00 Conclusion

Grant Writing for Non-Profits


HOW TO WRITE A GRANT PROPOSAL | TIPS BY LA JUANA CHAMBERS LAWSON, AUTHOR OF MASTER GRANT WRITING/In this video La Juana “the pmo ceo” Chambers Lawson has shared some valuable tips on how to write a grant proposal. La Juana has authored a book on grant writing called “Master Grant Writing: A Project Manager’s Guide.”Listen to our (Tacit Growth Strategies) origin story on YouTube here: Interested in learning more about the grant management process? Like and follow our book’s LinkedIn page at ‘Master Grant Writing: A Project Manager’s Guide’ for upcoming webinars, immersion labs, and hands-on support. Like and follow Tacit Growth Strategies’ LinkedIn page for our mentoring program/network and upcoming webinars, training events, consulting, and other forms of support: Book some time to speak with our team here: look forward to connecting with you! Onward and upward altogether. Say hello to La Juana on her socials: LinkedIn: Instagram: Tacit Growth Strategies: Facebook: Tacit Growth Strategies: #tacitgrowthstrategies #mastergrantwriting #funding

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

What to do if your Grant Proposal is Denied? [Video]

What to do if your Grant Proposal is Denied?Send a “Thank you letter or email. A thank you goes a long way- everyday – in every relationship! Join us at ” I’m just on this earth to Multiply My Talents”- Aretha Simons👉🏾 Why not take a look at our website for more info: 👉🏾 Sign up for our 5-day Grant Writing Success Challenge at👉🏾 1-ON-1 COACHING | 👉🏾 NEED HELP STARTING A NONPROFIT👉🏾 NEED GRANT WRITING TRAININGhttps://www.grantwriting school.orgAnd please keep in touch on social media:👉🏾 @arethasimons35, on Twitter👉🏾 @Arethasimons on Instagram👉🏾 @Arethasimons on FBMultiply Your Talents and ***Get FREE STOCK*** Robinhood 👉🏾 up to be a trusted house sitter using my link and receive $25% off👉🏾

Grant Writing for Non-Profits

Don’t Believe in Yourself to Finish What You Start? 😕 You’re Not Alone – Let’s Talk Through it! [Video]

Do you feel like you don’t trust yourself to stick with the Collective if you were to join? Is that a reason you’re not moving forward with joining? You’re not alone in thinking that and we don’t want you to beat yourself up unnecessarily due to some past experiences. 🙅Heather, a member of the Collective, had some similar fears before joining. She was afraid she’d spend a lot of time and energy learning the skill of grant writing, but that she wouldn’t be able to land clients. 😨Long story short: Heather hustled to learn grant writing on the side of her full time job, made $15k in 11 months, and then felt confident to make this her stay-at-home gig when she became a mom. 👶Here is a free training on how to build a career in grant writing: learned that 46% of surveyed individuals said that they were afraid of not following through if they were to buy another online course. 56% fear not having enough time. 🕧When it feels like you don’t have time how do you work through the course?1️⃣ Download the app and listen to the content while you’re driving, doing laundry, washing dishes, or cooking. 🍳2️⃣ We designed the program so that if you put in 5 hours a week consistently, you can get certified and complete your first paid funding strategy. ✅3️⃣ It’s okay to show up to a coaching call with kiddos and chaos. 🤪 Seriously, it’s all good! ✨ Bet on you! You might not know HOW you’ll get there, but know WHY you’re going for it. Keep in mind that you’re not a failure because you didn’t complete something else. It’s not entirely your fault as most programs do not concern themselves with your success. We literally obsess about you getting results and measuring that. The architecture of the program has a really big impact on whether you’ll be successful. 💥 It’s not just that you’re not disciplined enough! More likely than not, you didn’t finish because the program wasn’t a good fit for you, it wasn’t a priority, or the program might have been poorly designed.Journal and reflect a bit on some of those past experiences:🔸 What didn’t I finish? 🔸 Why didn’t I finish? 🔸 What has to be true for me to finish something in the future? Add in the comments if you have questions!Like audiobooks and podcasts? Listen to Meredith’s book, “How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn” for free here: about the Global Grant Writers Collective? Check out this elaborate FAQ page: Feel free to DM us on Instagram as well. 🧡 The Team at Learn Grant Writing Timestamps00:00 Intro00:55 You’re Not Alone & Stop Beating Yourself Up01:12 Heather’s Fears & End Result04:05 What The Stats Tell Us05:31 How to Work Through the Course When it Feels Like There’s Not Enough Time09:02 Bet on You10:09 It’s Not Entirely Your Fault: Program Design Matters11:40 Reflect on Past Experiences