Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Aphasia in The News : Facts & Fiction [Video]

Carol and Denise, both nonprofit leaders in the aphasia community, share their response to the recent media about aphasia as there has been some misinformation that needs to be corrected.Fact: The most common cause of aphasia is a stroke. Fact: No two with aphasia are ever the same. It may impact speaking, reading, writing, or understanding. For some it impacts numbers. For others, it may one area of language impacted. Fact: Aphasia is a language disability, not an intellectual disability for stroke survivors. Fact: Aphasia is a symptom of another diagnosis. Most people with aphasia have had a stroke or brain injury. Fact: Stroke survivors will improve over time. Those with PPA (a form of dementia) will decline slowly over time. Fact: There is aphasia a type of aphasia called Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) that is a form of dementia, not to be confused the aphasia from a stroke. Fact: Speech Language Pathologists treat aphasia, and it is important that people seek treatment. Fact: There are an estimate 2.5-4 million people with aphasia living in the US alone. Fact: There is hope! Stroke survivors with aphasia can and do make progress! Fact: We’d love to see you get connected. There is a large aphasia community. You are not alone! Join us! Fact: It is important for all of us to become “Aphasia Aware” as there are people with aphasia in your community! Tips for Talking to a Person with Aphasia – Be Patient – Stay Connected – Be Respectful – Ask the Person with Aphasia What Would Be Helpful – Stay on One Topic at a Time – Don’t Rush – Visual Supports May Help – Accept All Forms of Communication Denise Lowell President/Founder Just ASK (Aphasia Stroke Knowledge) Website: Carol Dow-Richards President/Founder Aphasia Recovery Connection

Resources for Nonprofit Directors

#GrantWriting1101 7 [Video]

Chapter VII – Week 7October 11, 2021Buy Low (Wholesale) and Sell High (Retail)Creating Tactical Fund Raising Banks – “So, do you have a strategy for supplemental income. Often amenities attributed to a product bring in a considerable percentage of a company’s gross income. Henry – “Even though philanthropy will be the main focus, it takes money to make money, and whether we decide to donate 25% or 50% of the profits raised, we will have gained more selling teddy bears with red carnations on valentine’s day for a cause than not. So in the spirit of philanthropy we promote a product for the benefit of whichever nonprofit organization we choose. With the promotion of the product we also promote the nonprofit chosen and consequently our association with the nonprofit and the product. But if we buy 100 items wholesale, we can only sell 100, so we are limited to our broadcasting capabilities and however much we choose to invest in a particular flower arrangement. The following are some projects that with a small amount of effort and development, we can show how philanthropy works. 1. ECON 1911 Grant Writing 1101 – We have come a long way since our initial meeting, and we have built the structure put on paper in our minds. We should be able to at least to publish our work, so that if anyone inquires from whence we had come, we can just present our protocol and etiquette handbook for $19.98, plus tax and $3.00 for shipping and handling. 2. The Memphis Bloomington Broadcast System – Whatever we plan to offer will be better received by the public through familiarity and convenience. The art of supply and demand is what we are trying to master as every flower we purchase at wholesale should with the help of the Memphis Banks Broadcast System sell out. We can invest in broadcast equipment within a one mile radius ensuring our projected profit and a donation to a local non-profit organization. Radio is old but effective. 3. Bank of Memphis Paraphernalia and Uniforms – With the broadcast system, however small or large, we can capitalize on that market by providing certain trinkets, paraphernalia and clothing articles that people need with our company’s name affixed, but just as anyone can print something on shirts, our design and logo will differentiate our name brand flowers from others. 4. Valentine’s or Holiday Capitalization – We are just focusing on Valentine’s day because it is often the first to come to mind, but who wouldn’t purchase an American flag for the 4th of July. Memorial day, veterans day or even 9/11? We could just buy 1000 for $1 each and sell for $5. 5. The Constant Fanfare of Rotating Elections – From state and county elections (2022) to local elections (2023) to national elections (2024) every year is another chance to establish the “Red Karnation Klub” as a vendor of bipartisan relative information in newsletters. 6. Berg-Mountain Spring Water – At weddings increasingly before COVID I’d often see the bottles of water with the bride and groom on the label. Branding neutral products is a constant brainstorming activity where being generic often has its advantages. 7. The “Give Me My DARN Lighter Back!” Lighter – Some people use lighters more often than others, and those without often find themselves in need of one. Without wanting to purchase one, those without can only ask to borrow. Being as insignificant as they are the borrower often forgets to return what is not theirs, so the “Give Me My DARN Lighter Back” lighter was born. 8. Free Tax Preparation Assistance for $19.98 – We all do our taxes, and it is not so much difficult as tedious, but after one does a few it becomes a lot easier. For $19.98 plus tax we can work with volume and assist others, when they just buy the coffee and doughnuts. 9. Sports View with the “Red Karnation Klub” Podcast – It would take little effort to have three or four personalities discuss sports topics and make predictions on