Strategies That Engage Youth! [Video]

Dr. Bre Gentile, the CEO and founder of Doctor G’s Lab, who holds a PhD, discusses the importance of engaging young people for social change and shares her wisdom about amplifying the voices of youth in the nonprofit sector, emphasizing the need for adults to actively support and collaborate with young people to drive meaningful social change. Dr. G starts with her thoughts on the significance of youth involvement in social impact initiatives and emphasizes how young people often initiate positive change. She provides examples like Greta Thunberg, who started her climate activism as a teenager, and Sunflower in Thailand, a youth-led organization combating human trafficking. Dr. G’s optimism about the passion, awareness, and open-mindedness of today’s youth will inspire you! She states, “Our youth are thinking, they’re aware, their eyes are open, and they’re caring, and that is hope for me as an adult.” The conversation covers the role of youth in various social sectors and touches on their desire to be part of meaningful initiatives, and how they are changing the landscape, particularly through the power of social media. Dr. G brings up the importance of creating safe spaces for youth to express themselves and suggests that adults should be more open to sitting with discomfort and uncertainty, mirroring the resilience and determination displayed by young people. The hosts ask about the influence of social media and technology on youth engagement and activism and Dr. G discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by these platforms, emphasizing the need for careful facilitation and adult guidance. The fast-paced chat touches on the evolving landscape of higher education, with young people seeking more information and insights into their choices, particularly regarding college and career paths. Dr. G highlights the importance of providing platforms for young individuals to connect with college students and professionals who can offer guidance. As the interview concludes, the hosts ask about the concept of youth-led initiatives and the challenges they face as they age out of their roles. Dr. G replies how adults can play a crucial role in ensuring the sustainability of youth-led initiatives by offering mentorship and support.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Investing In Donor Retention And Gratitude! [Video]

The importance of viewing donor gratitude as an investment in NPO’s is the topic in this lively chat with Lynne Wester, the principal and founder of Donor Relations Group. Lynne joined the hosts to share her insights on donor retention and how gratitude plays a significant role in it. Lynne starts the conversation by highlighting the power of gratitude and its various forms of expression, emphasizing that donors need to be thanked consistently and genuinely. She shares a personal anecdote about her upbringing and how her mother instilled gratitude in her from a young age, connecting it to her career in donor relations. The hosts and Lynne review the misconception that gratitude is a seasonal gesture, particularly around the holidays, and how it should be a continuous practice embedded in an organization’s culture. Lynne stresses that “gratitude is a lifestyle choice”, which, when embraced, not only makes individuals happier but also encourages donors to remain loyal to an organization. They touch base onto the question of whether gratitude is generational, with Lynne noting that it’s more about industry practices than generational differences. She emphasizes the need for nonprofits to prioritize gratitude and pointed out that treating donors with appreciation should precede building a culture of philanthropy. Lynne goes on to say that gratitude should not be confined to specific seasons, calling for a shift in mindset, where nonprofits focus on fostering an “attitude of gratitude” before striving for a full-fledged culture of philanthropy, then pointing out that gratitude is one of the foundational elements of retaining donors, she shared the concept of “seven thank-you’s before an ask”, underscoring that donor retention is more critical than the amount of money raised. The discussion wraps up with an emphasis on tangible tools like thank-you notes and the long-lasting impact they can have on donors. Lynne also speaks about her podcast, “Fundraising is Funny,” where she and her co-host humorously explore the quirks and challenges of the fundraising profession.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Nonprofits and Strategic Planning Pitfalls! [Video]

In this delightful chat with Emily Taylor, the principal of, the focus is on strategic planning pitfalls and the need to approach planning differently. Emily’s expertise lies in strategic listening to help organizations make informed decisions and progress on their growth trajectory by providing a fresh perspective on planning, community listening, adaptability, and thoughtful decision-making. Emily emphasizes the importance of listening to the community to gain clarity and make informed decisions, saying, “I hope organizations get clarity, and a lot of that is through listening to their community.”, underscoring the significance of community feedback in shaping an organization’s strategy. She also highlights a crucial distinction, stating, “What we should do versus what we feel like we should do.” This differentiation between perceived obligations and genuine organizational needs is a key consideration when navigating the complexities of strategic planning. Throughout the conversation, Emily addresses the challenges faced by nonprofits, the need for a reset in organizations, and the importance of aligning staff and boards to avoid “decision-making quicksand”. She emphasizes the value of taking a step back before diving into a strategic plan, especially in times of change and turmoil. Emily encourages organizations to consider alternative approaches to traditional strategic planning, such as customized solutions that may not involve a lengthy strategic plan document. She also discusses the importance of aligning with funders’ expectations while finding the right approach for the organization’s unique needs.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

How Nonprofits Should be Using Social Media [Video]

Is social media truly a necessary evil? In short, the answer is no.If you find yourself viewing social media as a necessary evil, it might be time to reassess how you utilize it and the metrics you use to evaluate its impact.In the realm of #nonprofitmarketing the true value of social media lies in engagement rather than mere entertainment. Achieving this requires a well-thought-out content strategy that aligns seamlessly with your organization’s goals and objectives. Join us as we navigate the intricacies of social media and discover how it can be a valuable asset when approached with the right mindset and strategy 👏🏽Learn more about the work we do for and with nonprofits here:

Nonprofit Annual Reports That Engage! [Video]

Diana Otero from Bloomerang, sheds light on the evolving landscape of nonprofit annual reports, emphasizing the importance of donor-centric storytelling, personalization, and strategic use of these reports to engage and retain donors effectively. Boomerang’s commitment to elevating the sector and providing innovative solutions further supports nonprofits in achieving their goals. Diana emphasizes the importance of understanding what donors want to hear. She highlights that donors want to know how their contributions have made a difference and that their support is essential for the organization’s success. This message should be at the core of any annual report. The conversation also digs into the idea of using annual reports strategically. Diana suggests that nonprofits should view annual reports as more than just a summary of activities; they should be used to tell compelling stories about the organization’s impact, engaging donors on a deeper level. Personalization at scale is another trend discussed. Diana predicts that nonprofits will expand their tools that can tailor their communications to individual donors based on their interests and preferences. This personalization can lead to more meaningful donor relationships.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Nonprofit’s Ethical Storytelling Using Consent [Video]

Diana Farias Heinrich, CEO of Habra Marketing, sheds light on the significance of ethical storytelling in nonprofit marketing. She stresses the importance of informed consent and a client-centric approach to safeguard clients’ privacy, dignity, and overall well-being during the storytelling process. Diana shares a personal experience where she unknowingly put a client at risk by sharing their story without fully considering the potential consequences. This experience drove her to establish a four-step process for informed consent conversations: Prep: Understand the intended end product and vet clients before approaching them for interviews. Conducting the Interview: Build trust with clients, make them feel comfortable, and ensure they know they can say no at any point. Stakeholder Test: Examine how the client and their community might react to the story when shared publicly. Pass Back the Mic: After crafting the story, give clients the opportunity to review, make revisions, or reject it if they feel uncomfortable. Diana also addresses the challenge of reusing old stories from the “vault” and suggests that organizations should establish an intentional storytelling rhythm while involving clients in the decision-making process. This Best Practices discussion wraps up with a few words about revolutionizing storytelling by incorporating principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Diana advocates for changing the language used to describe people and being mindful of how words can impact individuals and communities. Throughout the lively conversation, Diana underscores the necessity of a considerate, client-centered approach to storytelling in the nonprofit sector. She emphasizes the importance of informed consent and ethical practices to safeguard both clients and the reputation of organizations. She encourages nonprofits to embrace these best practices to create impactful and responsible storytelling campaigns. As she aptly puts it, “It’s doing the right thing.”You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Tips for Recording with Your iPhone | Nonprofit Marketing Skills [Video]

You don’t need a big budget to gather some awesome video content to help you digitally share the impact that your nonprofit is making 💪🏼For beginners follow the few tips we map out in this video as you take videos. One little step at a time, you can make video content work and work well for your #nonprofit You got this! Need a little more digital nonprofit marketing help? Check out our website to see what it is we do:

Nonprofit’s Questions This Week! [Video]

In this lively Q&A session on the “Nonprofit Show,” host Jarrett Ransom welcomed questions from viewers and was later joined by Muhi Khwaja, a trainer at Fundraising Academy. The first question, sent in anonymously from Nashville, TN, concerned the pressure faced by a nonprofit’s Development Director due to board expectations. Jarrett advised setting boundaries between the board and the Development Director and ensuring that the board understands the director’s role and responsibilities. She also suggested aligning the board’s suggestions with the organization’s strategic plan. Moving on to the second question, the topic shifted to branding. . . . . .how to find an advertising agency or marketing firm willing to work pro bono. Jarrett cautioned that while pro bono work might be available, it’s essential to budget for branding. She recommended looking for community events or co-working spaces that offer pro bono services and emphasized the importance of a well-thought-out branding strategy. The third question came from a viewer in Dayton, OH, who wanted to know the best person to serve as a board liaison for a nonprofit. Muhi Khwaja joined the discussion at this point and shared that the executive assistant to the CEO or executive director often serves as a board liaison. They help manage board schedules and communication. Alternatively, a third-party person can be hired for this role. Muhi emphasized the importance of board liaisons in improving board coordination. The conversation then delved into the concept of LYBUNT and SLYBUNT reports. Muhi explained that these reports help identify donors who haven’t given in the current year, making them valuable targets for retention efforts. Jarrett and Muhi discussed the importance of monitoring these reports and leveraging board members to connect with lapsed donors.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

The ROI Of Nonprofit’s Brand Building! [Video]

Eric Ressler’s insights underscore the critical role of brand building in a nonprofit’s success. He encourages NPO’s to maintain a clear brand identity, engage with their communities, and strategically use their expertise to drive real-world change and revenue growth. As he aptly put it, “The brand is not something you just do and then it’s done. It requires constant building, curation, and attention.” Host Jarrett Ransom had the pleasure of speaking with Eric Ressler, the founder and Creative Director of design by Cosmic, a social impact creative agency. Eric shared valuable insights on the importance of brand building for nonprofits and its impact on achieving real-world action and revenue generation. Eric highlights the essence of understanding a nonprofit’s unique niche within the social impact landscape, emphasizing the need to focus on specific strengths and avoid mission creep. He points out that organizations should consider their brand as a dynamic relationship between the community and the organization, not just a logo or visual identity. Eric affirms that building and nurturing this relationship is an ongoing process that requires attention and consistent efforts. He also addressed the fear some nonprofits have about taking a stance on divisive issues, acknowledging the challenges of navigating politically charged topics, and emphasizing that organizations should engage in issues within their expertise and advocate for what aligns with their mission and values.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Nonprofit Show 900th Episode Celebration! [Video]

In a jubilant celebration of their 900th episode, co-hosts Jarrett Ransom and Julia Patrick reflect on their journey through “The Nonprofit Show.” With gratitude to their partners and viewers, they reminisce about the show’s evolution from its early days and discuss important lessons learned along the way. Jarrett and Julia emphasize the misconception that nonprofits aren’t nimble and cannot work remotely. They debunk this myth, highlighting the adaptability and success of organizations that have embraced remote work and technology. They express their surprise at the emotional impact of guests’ stories, revealing that even seasoned nonprofit professionals like themselves can be deeply moved by the passion and dedication of those in the sector. In looking forward, the dynamic duo co-hosts predict that in five years, the nonprofit sector will shed the overhead myth and become more collaborative, with funders easing restrictions on grant applications. They also foresee changes in donor-advised funds and acknowledge the importance of addressing these shifts. Jarrett and Julia express their commitment to the nonprofit sector and its continued evolution. They are grateful for their partners and viewers, vowing to keep sharing knowledge and insights to support the sector’s growth.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Letting The Community Know What Your Nonprofit Does! [Video]

Julia Patrick, CEO of the American Nonprofit Academy, shares her insights about the importance of nonprofits effectively communicating their missions and activities to the community, underscoring the importance to build awareness, foster collaborations, and secure support. The conversation looks into the reasons behind this need for improved communication and practical steps to achieve it. Julia explained that her motivation to address this issue arose from her experiences in distributing prestigious funding opportunities. She found that seasoned nonprofit professionals often lacked a comprehensive understanding of what various nonprofits were doing in their community, even though they acknowledged their positive impact. Co-host Jarrett Ransom adds that missions and programs can change over time, making it crucial for organizations to keep their communities informed about their evolving roles. Julia introduced the concept of a “leadership list” – a curated database of stakeholders, opinion makers, community leaders, partners, vendors, and more. This list serves as an asset for marketing and communication, helping nonprofits stay connected with key figures in their community and share their stories effectively. The interview also explored the role of board members and executive leaders in promoting the organization’s mission within the community. Julia encouraged the nomination of these individuals for community awards to raise the profile of the nonprofit and attract potential donors and collaborators. Additionally, Julia discussed the significance of a fact sheet summarizing key impact metrics and fast facts about the organization. This sheet can be shared digitally, posted on the website, or distributed in print to help control the narrative and ensure accurate information reaches the community. In a surprising twist, Ransom proposed using email signature blocks to link to the fact sheet, providing an additional avenue for community members to access essential information about the nonprofit.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact

Affordable And Creative Nonprofit Donor Stewardship! [Video]

The CEO of Productive Fundraising, Chad Barger, leads this captivating primer on donor stewardship, done with creativity and affordability in mind. Chad begins with highlighting a key issue: too many nonprofits prioritize acquiring new donors and overlook nurturing the ones they already have. The key to retaining donors? Consistent, multi-channel communication. It’s not enough to rely solely on emails and social media, and Chad emphasizes the power of physical mail, especially personalized die-cut postcards, which will stand out from the crowd at the mailbox and create memorable experiences for donors. Board members also play a crucial role in stewardship. Chad suggests involving every board member, regardless of their fundraising comfort level, in this process. He shares brilliant strategies, like assigning board members to thank donors during events or having them make donor thank-you calls, which can lead to a significant 39% increase in future donations. Chad’s advice doesn’t stop there. He encourages organizations to take donors behind the scenes, offering immersive experiences to connect them with the cause. Whether it’s a tour or hands-on involvement, these experiences create powerful connections. Lastly, for donors who are more challenging to engage, Chad recommends using the power of our smartphones. He provides a fun example of personalized video messages directly from staff members which can be a game-changer in making donors feel appreciated and involved. So, the key message: Don’t worry about being too small; worry about being silent when it comes to donor stewardship. Get creative, involve your board members, and use every tool at your disposal to delight your donors.You can also listen to the show on your favorite podcast channel. Additionally, the American Nonprofit Academy provides news, inspiration, and training for the nonprofit and social impact community.#fundraising #nonprofit #socialimpact