Resources for Nonprofit Directors

This nonprofit is looking for tattoo artists to cover up the scars of human trafficking victims [Video]

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WMBF/Gray News) – A West Coast-based nonprofit helps human trafficking survivors cover up or remove branding tattoos.

The organization, called Soul Survivor Ink, is looking for tattoo artists, aestheticians and removal technicians who specialize in cover-ups and removals.

Soul Survivor Ink began partnering with the South Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force last year.

The two organizations are working to identify human trafficking victims and set them up with professionals who can help transform their painful memories free of charge.

WMBF spoke with Tyler Molitano, an artist at Fantasy Ink in Myrtle Beach. He said the partnership is something he’d love to be part of because he’s seen firsthand how covering up tattoos can change someone’s life.

“We’ve all seen it where a customer comes in sad and upset and leaves with happy tears because it’s off their body,” Molitano said. “They don’t have to look at it every day, so it’s one of …

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Resources for Nonprofit Directors

Is a Stroller and Car Seat Combo Worth It? [Video]

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